Release Hase 1.4

Don't make that audio be "Poing".
With great power comes great responsibility...
If you add a feature in the next version which greps the home directory for the term moxie (case insensitive) and plays Poing infinitely if it matches anything I'll ... hmm ... what the hell could I offer ... I don't know, my gratitude. :-DBonus points if the audio is launched in a separate process and keeps playing after you quit the game.
Maybe I can combine this with a fork bomb...
No, that would be just tasteless. :P
Windows 32 Bit Version:

I tested it with wine, so please tell me, whether this works in a real windows...
Okay, first impression: why use Ctrl for <Enter>? It would be normal to select items in menu with Return key.

I tried starting a local game and managed to create a player, but I couldn't add an AI player (PgUp didn't do anything).

I also couldn't add a 2nd human player. After hitting AltGr it complained that I didn't enter a name - but I never had a chance to enter a name.

(EDIT: Using the Windows 32 Bit Version on Windows 7 64bit)
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On Pandora, adding an AI player is L trigger, so that's left (or perhaps right, I forget) shift. Dunno if the controls are the same on the PC version or not though (I guess not if Ctrl is start - on Pandora, Home is start).
Windows 32 Bit Version:

I tested it with wine, so please tell me, whether this works in a real windows...
Okay, first impression: why use Ctrl for <Enter>? It would be normal to select items in menu with Return key.
Because I need Return for entering text sometimes and furthermore ingame Return would be awkward to play with imo. In fact I just map some keyboard keys to Pandora buttons.
I tried starting a local game and managed to create a player, but I couldn't add an AI player (PgUp didn't do anything).
For me it works. Anybody else, who can confirm this?
I also couldn't add a 2nd human player. After hitting AltGr it complained that I didn't enter a name - but I never had a chance to enter a name.
Yes, the Windows SDL doesn't send a valid keysym, but 0. O_o I hopefully fixed this.
Just had a crash on the Pandora version, playing about with online games.  Initially I was slightly surprised when replay was exactly that - a replay.  Seems there's no option to play setups again, and I couldn't find a way to delete setups either.

The crash was a seg fault triggered when I watched the replay, quit out from the options menu then tried the replay the recording again.  The pndrun out log isn't very helpful, just consisting of a whole heap of apparent coordinate tests followed by a segmentation fault.  FWIW the error apparently happened when testing some coords as it manage to print the coordinates but not the ..NOT or ..Fine.  However. in game the system had only just come out of the menu, so I wonder if the menu and game system run as separate processes, and in fact the game had already crashed.  The whole thing only ground to a halt when the menu tried to switch back to the game, though I don't know the architecture of Hase, so that's just my initial uneducated guess.
Just had a crash on the Pandora version, playing about with online games.  Initially I was slightly surprised when replay was exactly that - a replay.  Seems there's no option to play setups again, and I couldn't find a way to delete setups either.

The crash was a seg fault triggered when I watched the replay, quit out from the options menu then tried the replay the recording again.  The pndrun out log isn't very helpful, just consisting of a whole heap of apparent coordinate tests followed by a segmentation fault.  FWIW the error apparently happened when testing some coords as it manage to print the coordinates but not the ..NOT or ..Fine.  However. in game the system had only just come out of the menu, so I wonder if the menu and game system run as separate processes, and in fact the game had already crashed.  The whole thing only ground to a halt when the menu tried to switch back to the game, though I don't know the architecture of Hase, so that's just my initial uneducated guess.
Hm, why didn't I read your post? O_o Did that happen again?

New version in the Repository!

  • faster showing of own messages in chat
  • level color for the bullet traces
  • better and new default values for creating a game
  • Added option to not rotate the level, but the bunny
  • Added option to invert the controls of the bunny is upside down
  • Improved the particle effect (should be faster)
  • Fixed a zoom bug
That should be the last build of version 1.4.If it has no big issues the next version will be 1.5 with new features. But first I am going to the holidays next week. So except the next release in 2 months™!


I never had that crash again, though I don't recall if I've done much messing about online in Hase since then.

I've just had another crash by the way, this time offline.  I was playing a game against 3 AI players with 8 players each, so it was quite a busy level.  The pndrun log suggests it was a floating point exception that caused it to terminate, and it appeared to happen while it was logging about redrawing the level.  Here's the relevant snippet:

Using special magic...

Using special magic...

* Recalculating level:

  Drawing Ellipse: 1

  Update Gravity: 4

  Drawing Ellipse: 0

  Drawing Arrows: 17

  Blitting: 4

* Recalculating level:

  Drawing Ellipse: 1

  Update Gravity: 4

  Drawing Ellipse: 0

  Drawing ArFloating point exception
I never had that crash again, though I don't recall if I've done much messing about online in Hase since then.

I've just had another crash by the way, this time offline.  I was playing a game against 3 AI players with 8 players each, so it was quite a busy level.  The pndrun log suggests it was a floating point exception that caused it to terminate, and it appeared to happen while it was logging about redrawing the level.  Here's the relevant snippet:

Using special magic...

Using special magic...

* Recalculating level:

  Drawing Ellipse: 1

  Update Gravity: 4

  Drawing Ellipse: 0

  Drawing Arrows: 17

  Blitting: 4

* Recalculating level:

  Drawing Ellipse: 1

  Update Gravity: 4

  Drawing Ellipse: 0

  Drawing ArFloating point exception
Thank you! I hope this will help me finding the error. :D
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I have really been enjoying playing this. I'm sure you get tons of suggestions, but just to add my idea to the pile: Have you considered recalculating gravity as terrain is destroyed? If this is already happening, perhaps I just didn't notice it. It would be interesting to float farther and farther off the planets as they crumble below you!
Yes, gravity is recalculated at least after every explosion. If you destroy an island rabbits are sitting on, the arrows will stop pointing to the island and the rabbits will either fall to the largest near object, or just float in space. A more subtle effect is that you sometimes get rabbits stuck in a gravity well, but they never stick there for very long as sooner or later the land around them gets pockmarked and that's enough to restore gravity to them.

Another question I have regarding gravity - it appears that empty space has a slight gravitational drift. The easiest way to see this is to fire a slow shell into the sky - assuming it goes fast enough not to fall back to earth, you'll see it's trail as it leaves orbit and disappears off the edge of the level, but at the point where it leaves any gravitiational influence, there's a sudden dog-leg in the trail. Why the sudden change in direction? Is there a lower limit to gravity, or is some drift applied to clear lost rabbits and missiles a little quicker?

Also, when AI rabbits get caught in one of these gravity wells where they can't move, they never shoot. I wonder if it wouldn't affect the difficulty of the game too much if rabbits that were unable to move (either because they were stuck in a well, or drifting off into interstellar space) quickly fired off a loose shot - that's what I do if I accidentally jump too high in low gravity, although I rarely hit anything as I don't have much time to aim (especially as rabbits seem to reorientate when they lose gravity, so you have to re-aim after you realise you're never going to land).
I did some improvements for the next version today.

Feature I did implement today:

  • Saving the entered username
  • Guessing the username based on the C4A profile
  • Spriteset choice
  • I removed the weapon, the crosshair is enough. Furthermore I added different bullet for the big, middle and small bazooka
Here a video of me playing against AI:

Now I have the biggest to do point to implement:

I will switch from my hacky php-bases chat to IRC. For this I did already implement an IRC in sparrowNet (and released a tiny IRC client for the GCW). Now I have "just" to add it to Hase. :D

