I was wondering seeing as Vektar is obviously inspired by Geometry Wars, if anyone had ever thought of making a homebrew game similar to the strategy shooter Ikaruga? Is this a feasible idea? :huh: :unsure:
Ikaruga was awesome! Although I never had the patience to do it and one of my buddies who tried playing more intensely never got past the beginning of the 2nd stage...
Well i am not sure about it but i think that the game could easily take up too much cpu time since of the hundreds of projectiles on screen etc... has anyone tried mars metrics on the neogeo emu? does that run smooth since it has a similar number of objects on screen?
have a look at this post and check out the game by int13 that has been postet as a link... this company was actually going to release some stuff for gp2x and that game might be one of them!