Has Anyone Used An Adapter Yet?


Still Fresh
Sep 27, 2005
Just tried using a Uniross adapter set to 3v. I plugged in the right sized head set for positive polarity (as it says in the manual)... and nothing. Ok I thought, lets try negitive - bad idea. Switched it on and heard a loud buzzing noise, and the display started doing weird shit. Thankfully it still works! Has anyone else tried with success?
Wow, normally plugging the adaptor in the wrong way sends them to silicon heaven. Maybe you just blew up the adaptor input and now it'll only work on batteries.

But, to answer your question, yes I use an adaptor, and yes it works fine.

What was the most current your adaptor could supply before you blew it up?
Never use an adapter if you don't know what you do. Oo I remember some people blowing up their GP32s and that wasn't very nice. ;)
:o After reading that post I'm gonna stick with my rechargable batteries 2600mah.

I am relieved to see that it is still working after that incident. :)

That is really scarey stuff :ph34r: , I remember frying a modem by inserting the power cord that had fallen out of my desktop speakers by mistake. That went fizz, bang, smoked a bit and never worked again. :(