Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

I dunno it could be true couldn't it?
I think it would suck though.

Edit: Changed my mind, it would rule.
no, apart from the cover there is no difference. Anyway, anyone else feel that this book was basically a giant introduction to what will happen in the next few books?


yes harry could be. The death could have been his mother or father.

oh and as for the death. I really think its not true, including the manner that it happened in.
Dumbledore says that he isn't, but Voldemort wanted him to be. Because he failed, he created Nagini instead.
spray posted on Jul 24 2005 at 01:24 PM said:
its totally true, the fact that harry was free to move around after the death says to me it must have been true.

The spell could have been released as soon as he fell. Maybe I'm just clutching at straws though.

Dumbledore says that he isn't, but Voldemort wanted him to be. Because he failed, he created Nagini instead
Actually dumbledore said that he wanted harrys DEATH to create it, but harry himself could still actually be one, y'see.
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spray posted on Jul 25 2005 at 11:16 AM said:

lets not have another cosplay thread kids


Sorry, I had to combine the two.


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mattmagoo posted on Jul 25 2005 at 10:44 AM said:

you say, posting on a board dedicated to a tiny korean handheld, who's only attraction is homebrew and emulating old consoles.
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c0ncept posted on Jul 27 2005 at 02:23 AM said:
mattmagoo posted on Jul 25 2005 at 10:44 AM said:

you say, posting on a board dedicated to a tiny korean handheld, who's only attraction is homebrew and emulating old consoles.
Of course, he is just so different from us, he is the coolest person on the board remember...
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