Happy Birthday, HolySmoke! :D

Løra (Lolla)

Empress of AquaLuna
Staff member
Mar 7, 2013
Surrey, England
Hi everyone, Just wanted to make a 'Happy Birthday' thread for Mr HolySmoke, as it is indeed his birthday today!

So whoever you are - be it friend, acquaintance or just passer-by, please feel free to post your happy birthday and appreciation messages for him. Thank you.

And to HolySmoke: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! from meeeee  :D
Have an excellent birthday HolySmoke!

You always were one of the few in the Pandora chats (especcially the German one) that always greeted me. :)
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Hello everyone :)

Wow, it's been a long time since I last wrote here, I can't deny it. Thank you so much Løra and everyone, too.

A big huggles to you and all of those who cared to write, read, or had something better to do :)

Also, I learned today that there's a quota of how much posts one can like per day, so the last few ones I'll have to "like" tomorrow ^^