GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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Just thought I'd say.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AXEMAN! The man who organized the great brit meet-up for our beloved GP32 :D

Also a Birthday mention goes to MrT, who's also celebrating his Birthday today :)
YES!! Have a wonderful GP-filled birthday and GP-filled birthday wishes!! :D
Happy Birthday! Got any exciting presents?! Are you having a party with jelly and ice-cream?! Have fun! Jace
Thankyou very much to you all, I appreciate it :)

I haven't had anything that interesting for my birthday - main thing is the gift of GETTING BROADBAND BACK (which is from myself :P), and that's coming on Thursday :D (the last few months have been the most net-sparten of the last six years or so!).

Cant wait for that day to come, cos it'll mean I'm back in the fray, and you'll start to see more of me around here again :D

Whether that's good or not is up to you :P :D

Seriously though - thanks for the birthday wishes, and here's to you all! :P

Wish I was on broadband... I'm a 56k'er and Broadband isnt in my area :( well actually, it will be in a few weeks now that BT are about to upgrade the exchange thingymabob.. but anyhow, once again, Happy Birthday, Axeman (and MrT)! :)
Happy Birthday, Axeman (and MrT)!

I was gonna say, poor MrT no-one seemed to care.

Also when i moved to my new house..I HAD TO WAIT SEVEN HORRIBLE MONTHS to get BB and Xbox Live...and now im a happy bunny :D
I know I am late for the celebration, but, Happy Birthday Axeman. I hope you get everything to wished for, or at least everything GP32 related.

I also wanted to thank you for keeping this community hopping. Members like you are few and far between. thanks
My pleasure TJF!

To be honest - I feel like I've been slacking a bit since my dialup nightmare stated. Like I said though - will be back and ready to rock 'n' roll on Thursday.

happy birthday dude. I was wonderin why u appeared to dissapear from the community, havent seen u postin in ages. i thaught u had gone off and got urself a zodiac or suthin. glad to know ur still with us