Gta4 Online Match


It Is Your Birthday.
Aug 31, 2005
OK so gta4 is crazy addicting online! It's only natural that we try to get a gp32x match going. So, if you have GTA4, and you have XBL Gold, post your gamertag and best time to play. This is going to be *very* tedious since we're all in different time zones :huh:. I was thinking maybe next weekend?


Best Time: either saturday or sunday, preferably in the PM (although I'm flexible). I can work around the time zone difference.


PS: I suck at typing on the controller, so if you send me a message, do it through here :D
I'm up for this. My 360's currently glitchy in the graphics dept and is due a DHL trip, so I'm holding off renewing my XBL Gold membership.

Will add you once I'm back online. ("YoshiHolgate", and pretty damn poor!)

Come on! Join in, everyone! :)
Multiplayer for this game really sucks. I'm surprised anyone even plays it. All it's good for is maybe roaming around the city with a friend in Free-mode but that gets old extremely quickly and Deathmatch and everything else is just not fun at all.

Anyone care to tell me why they think it's so great?
Shifty said:
Multiplayer for this game really sucks. I'm surprised anyone even plays it. All it's good for is maybe roaming around the city with a friend in Free-mode but that gets old extremely quickly and Deathmatch and everything else is just not fun at all.

Anyone care to tell me why they think it's so great?
Are you playing with other people? Deathmatch free-for-all is great, so is team deathmatch. I assume it will be even more awesome if we all play together.

Mafia missions are also fun, albeit hard as FUCK. I actually failed really badly on them :D
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I'd probably be up for a game of this online. Although I did find out today my Xbox Live account has run out but that's no big deal. Will take a few mins to sort it out. So if I get it sorted out, I'll be able to play with you guys/take you guys on this coming Saturday and Sunday. I'll keep you updated on whether or not I will be available to play or not. I've got Lego Indiana Jones to finish and Okami coming on friday for my Wii but I'm sure I can shoe horn some GTA online in now that college is basically finished. My gamertag is in my sign below. Add me if you like.
Lol at 1AM-4AM Session. I'm tired. Good game DCGM.
Nova said:
Lol at 1AM-4AM Session. I'm tired. Good game DCGM.
Ditto, we had some good stuff in there. I think you left right before the Enforcer race, but that was pretty lulz. Some guy got RPG'd and another was run over lol
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Found out I don't need to sort out my xbox live cause it still has another month left on it. It was just the cable running into the 360 which wouldn't stay in and so my bro instantly thought that the xbox live had run out. Anyways, that means I can play some of this with y'all if you want. I normally come on to play it at 9pm/10pm GMT (cause im in Scotland) on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. So if you wanna play me, add my gamertag, in my sig, and we can sort something out.
I'll be there with bells on B) Played with some staffers from Rockstar earlier yesterday. Have to say they were pretty bad but then again it was 3 against the Rockstar Staffer and it was a rocket launcher match. Got my achievement though so I'm happy. :D
I will be there! Possibly slightly later than billed, and possibly drunk. But there I shall be!
Clearly it doesn't improve gaming skill, eh?
Nova said:
Clearly it doesn't improve gaming skill, eh?
hahaha no, you were too drunk to read the date!

Guys, something came up and it's likely I won't be able to make it tonight :( . I will try my best though :(
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@ DCGM - no problem. Things like that happen. I'll still appear online though.

And I presume that you, Nova, are the one who has the gamertag Mr. Ceiling. I make this presumption based on the fact that the friend request was filed at just after half 1 in the morning.

This is how I imagine a drunk Nova will play online at GTA: He'll have his character standing in the middle of a busy street and be screaming at the top of his lungs for all of the cars and pedestrians to get out of his room before going off and promptly unleashing every bullet into a lamp post because it looked at him funny. :lol: