Gta 2 On Gp2x

Soooo... I take it from your apparent anger/frustration that you asked them for the source ;) and they declined...

Oh well, wait until the almost inevitable release of some sort of Game making program to create GP2X games and then make a clone. Or persaude a developer with nothing else to do that a GTA clone is what they should make next ("go on! oh pleease? Pleasepleaseplease...")

GTA is a pretty good game- would be nice to see something in that vein on gp2x (though it's not really top of my "wishlist" as such)
Hey, dude, it's gonna sound patronising, but I don't mean it like that: Use the EDIT button (it's the first button at the bottom of your own posts, has a tick symbol next to the text) instead of double posting ;)

Top of my wishlist? Well...

ZDoom :) I'd love to see this Doom source port on gp2x. I've got the source, and the linux patch, now I'm (re)learning my coding in C++. Should be *relatively* easy once I finally know what I'm doing (I hope- Linux patch already uses SDL which is a good start), but ATM I can't even compile the Windows source (!) so it'll be a while.

I have also been very impressed by that Quake video :) that should be good...

And of course various emus which may or may not happen, particularly SNES.