I've tried it, it works great for me.
- local syncing (eg. from one sd-card to another, or usb-stick to sd-card) works out-of-the-box
- remote syncing: to make this work with my setup (rsync called by ssh(d), as default by my Debian Squeeze-Desktop-PC), it required a little bit of work, because Angstrom seems to have no "ssh-askpass"-binary in the "dropbear"- or one of the "openssh"-packages.
The following steps were needed (WARNING: do this only, if you're know what you are doing!):
Step 1) remove dropbear and install openssh (as root, or use sudo)
opkg --force-depends dropbear
opkg install openssh
Step 2) as the user, who will be using grsync: generate a ssh-key on the pandora using ssh-keygen (from openssh) without any password and copy/append the resulting public-key to the remote-pc's ssh-"authorized_keys"-file.
Now it's possible to use password-less ssh from pandora to remote-pc and (g)rsyncing to remote-pc using ssh works perfect aswell.