Great Price For Caanoo

Luo=-_ said: is giving a huge discount for the Caanoo, both in their white and blue version. The price has dropped about US$ 30.00 last week... :) Now, its only U$114,90 a unit.

A good opportunity for those who have not bought "THE GREAT CAANOO"... ;)


Until it's priced below $100,- I'll wait long enough from now............
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I Ordered mine on Wednesday Night 06-01-2011 from Play-Asia. ThinkGeek has it for $149. I will be picking it up today at FedEx 06-03-2011. I ordered the Black/Blue one. I Can't wait to play with it tonight when I get home from work. I am saving up for the Pandora.
Emudude1963 said:
I Ordered mine on Wednesday Night 06-01-2011 from Play-Asia. ThinkGeek has it for $149. I will be picking it up today at FedEx 06-03-2011. I ordered the Black/Blue one. I Can't wait to play with it tonight when I get home from work. I am saving up for the Pandora.

Cool! :) I bought my in pre-sale just before the launch. It was nice to follow the evolution of Caanoo from the beginning but I think still a good buy. I'm trying to convince a friend to buy it ... :D

Post your impressions! Good fun.

Luo =- _
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Check this store too, the white one is 107.40 USD. I ordered mine a few weeks ago.

Play-asia now has them for $109.29. They dropped the price 2 days after I bought 2 of them! :angry: oh well only 10 bucks. I'm just hoping they hold to a 4 and 6 year old. :D
MonkeyChops said:

Play-asia now has them for $109.29. They dropped the price 2 days after I bought 2 of them! :angry: oh well only 10 bucks. I'm just hoping they hold to a 4 and 6 year old. :D

Wow! Now they are listed at $87.43 for the white ones!!!
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pughead said:
MonkeyChops said:

Play-asia now has them for $109.29. They dropped the price 2 days after I bought 2 of them! :angry: oh well only 10 bucks. I'm just hoping they hold to a 4 and 6 year old. :D

Wow! Now they are listed at $87.43 for the white ones!!!

I'm getting one before it's too late :P
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Does anyone know something about PlayAsia's "Summer Sale"? And if white Caaanoo is covered with this promotion?
Luo=-_ said: covered! At checkout the promotion banner appears... :) 20% off...
And the black/blue one is raised to the original 149,90 bucks I bought mine on july/2010... :P


Hm, that's strange, on their article says that:
Please make sure that you are logged onto Facebook and that you have already become a member to enjoy the new low prices.

I have the same price if I was or wasn't logged in my Facebook account or maybe I'm doing something wrong?

kayuz said:
... now it is cheap but when i bought it, i had spent 169 euro :(

So think of it that your Caanoo has great value :D
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So think of it that your Caanoo has great value
no, it's beacouse in italy all cost 40 more money then all :( :(
if in the US, Caanoo cost 100 dollars, in italy will be 160 euro... :angry:
damn that PlayAsia promo price is incredible. . . .i only wish the black one was that price!
..Wonder if the white one comes with the caanooSDcard thrown in?
i bet the black one's price will drop the moment i buy the white one.

what to do? what to do? damn damn panic damn and so forth :-D
Doubt you get the SD thrown in but there cheap enough... I have the black and blue, but was thinking of getting the white one hmmm...
ruffnutts said:
Doubt you get the SD thrown in but there cheap enough... I have the black and blue, but was thinking of getting the white one hmmm...

so what happened to your Thumbstick Ruffnutts? is it buggered?
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Well not sure... it happend no that long after purchase, its like evey now and then it moves buy itself to the left,
Goner post a video showing what I mean at some point.. I was told it could be cured by a deadzone tweaking type app
Or if GPH implements this into the firmware, I am now convinced its a deadzone problem, or atleast hope so;)

Anyway I was just thinking of buying a white caanoo as its a fantastic price, having said that - what will I do with two lol