Graphics Card Woes


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Feb 17, 2004
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Mkay. So I'm having this problem with my new computer. I suspect it is down to nVidia drivers but I'd like a second opinion.

While playing games or while the graphics card is under stress for a period of time it shuts it's self down, the monitor turns off too. Sound keeps going for a while and then stops, I suspect the motherboard is shutting it's self down at this point. At first I thought the graphics card was over heating so I logged the temperatures, the highest it hit was 79c and the last time the problem happened the card was at 78c. I think (but I'm not sure) that the 6800gt works normally upto 90c, so this is why I don't think the problem is with over heating.

I have also heard that the latest forceware drivers detect temperature wrong, and in the settings it says the threshold before a shut down is 120c.

So what do you think the problem is? Could it be a BIOS setting I'm over looking?

The card is under warrenty, should I get another?

Also, just for reference, the highest temperature the CPU hit was 43c, and the chipset was 36c. Both these max temperatures occurred consistently for about ten minutes before the problem occurred.
The card is a BFG, hence it comes pre-overclocked.

EDIT: That does sound sort of similar except my card is just shutting down out of no where, I don't get any distorted graphics or anything.

I might ring them up and try to get a replacment.
If it's just shutting down, it sounds like the cpu is overheating. Possibly due to the excess heat generated by your new graphics card.

Have you tried a temperature monitoring program? One normally comes with your motherboard, but you can get them from various places too (eg. Tucows)
The CPU is not overheating, as I said in the original post the maximum temperature it hit was 43c, well bellow a dangerous temperature. The system is not shutting down, the graphics card is.

Does anyone know the normal running temperatures for the 6800 range?
I updated to the newest drive form nvidia cards and my moniter started shutting off then I realized my foot was on the power cord then it stopped

I dunno try updateing drivers or something or maybe soemthing doesn't meet the requirements :huh: dunno I don't know much but w/e
This may seem a silly question, But i`ll ask anyway, Did you connect the molex power plug to the power connector on your graphics card ?. All new Nvidia graphics cards have them now as the new cards need alot more power that the older generation cards.

I updated to the newest drive form nvidia cards and my moniter started shutting off then I realized my foot was on the power cord then it stopped

I dunno try updateing drivers or something or maybe soemthing doesn't meet the requirements :huh: dunno I don't know much but w/e

Are you sure it was the power cord that was causing the monitor to shut off ?. I have just updated my Nvidia card drivers to the last two revisions (v71.89 And v 77.xx) and had nothing but trouble with the card blanking for a few seconds (seemingly freezing), Randomly. But never had the problem at all before the update.

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I updated to the newest drive form nvidia cards and my moniter started shutting off then I realized my foot was on the power cord then it stopped

I dunno try updateing drivers or something or maybe soemthing doesn't meet the requirements  :huh:  dunno I don't know much but w/e

Are you sure it was the power cord that was causing the monitor to shut off ?. I have just updated my Nvidia card drivers to the last two revisions (v71.89 And v 77.xx) and had nothing but trouble with the card blanking for a few seconds (seemingly freezing), Randomly. But never had the problem at all before the update.

my foot was on teh cord pulling it out so it shut off :P

also I had a problem w/ the overlay colors but I fixed that now

they were set to like really bright and off colored
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This may seem a silly question, But i`ll ask anyway, Did you connect the molex power plug to the power connector on your graphics card ?. All new Nvidia graphics cards have them now as the new cards need alot more power that the older generation cards.

Yeah, it needs 2 because it is PCI-e though.
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I suffered the same problem with almost every Nividia card I've owned, some of them even crashed my bios when I tried to enter it. I tried everything, fans, bios upgrades and downgrades, driver upgrades and downgrades, absolutely everything. No joy.

Eventually gave up, sold my PC and got a laptop.

I know this doesn't help at all but just thought I'd let you know that you're not the only one going crazy because of this.

Go ATi....???
Does the problem only occur in games? If yes it might be either the Graca (Graphic card) or the mainboard having problems with it.
Maybe it also happens during other hard work (like zipping or video encoding)? Then it might be overheating...
Also try setting the FSB a bit lower if your BIOS allows it.
I had a similar Problem once (though not as worse) and it disappeared when i changed the mainboard. But if the PC is new, why not RMA it?
The mobo or the graphics card?

It hasn't happened in a while actually. I'm pretty much sure it is the card though, and it is under a life time warrenty so I'm in no rush to exchange it.

I wuld have gone ATi but nVidia just seemed better. Probably the pretty boxes.
What motherboards are you all using? I'm putting my other PC together and I don't wan't this to happen to me. BTW, my motherboard is a ASUS A7N8X-X with a Nforce2 chipset, so it aught to like another Nvidia card.
Mkay. Now I'm having this differant problem. When I play video, no matter what format it is, I get this weird colour problem, everthing is too bright and sort of fuzzy.

I can't take a screen shot because everytime I do it just appears black.
finty posted on Jul 3 2005 at 06:26 PM said:
Mkay. Now I'm having this differant problem. When I play video, no matter what format it is, I get this weird colour problem, everthing is too bright and sort of fuzzy.

I can't take a screen shot because everytime I do it just appears black.
I know how to fix it!

Im guessing you have an nVidia I got the same proplem when I got the newest drivers

okay go to Display Properties > Settings > advance > nVidia Tab > then go to color correction select overlay and in the other drop down select advance and select them in the middle
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