Hi all
Does anyone know - is skinning likely to also include UI functionality? Changing the default button layouts in the menus?
The 1st thing I noticed with the GP2x was its bizarre UI button layout & functionality. It's so odd, it's as if Gamepark willfully wanted it to be the opposite of what you'd expect. Even if you think of the button locations its got to be the most counter-unintuitive UI layout possible! i.e.
B is the button you need to push to carry out an 'action', but the B button is not south or west (of the 4 buttons) where everyone else has it..
A is actually cancel or go back
Start goes back up the tree to the main menu. Not start, just the reverse..
Select doesnt 'select' , action or .. or do anything (does it?).
PS2 and Xbox etc Console 'action' and 'back' buttons follow standards.. even PS2 games are in one of 2 standard layouts ( largely depending if the game is western or eastern in origin) but GP2 has it all crossed over so you generally 'exit' when you want to 'action'.
Now, this isn't a dealbreaker or would finally put me off the whole GP2x as a package, but am I the only one who thinks the UI button layout is plain odd? Has this observation been raised before? It'd be great news if the current layout was temporary (or even better, one day when it all works
GP would add alternatives in the options. I really hope so!
So does anyone please know - will skinning also include UI functionality? thoughts?
Does anyone know - is skinning likely to also include UI functionality? Changing the default button layouts in the menus?
The 1st thing I noticed with the GP2x was its bizarre UI button layout & functionality. It's so odd, it's as if Gamepark willfully wanted it to be the opposite of what you'd expect. Even if you think of the button locations its got to be the most counter-unintuitive UI layout possible! i.e.
B is the button you need to push to carry out an 'action', but the B button is not south or west (of the 4 buttons) where everyone else has it..
A is actually cancel or go back
Start goes back up the tree to the main menu. Not start, just the reverse..
Select doesnt 'select' , action or .. or do anything (does it?).
PS2 and Xbox etc Console 'action' and 'back' buttons follow standards.. even PS2 games are in one of 2 standard layouts ( largely depending if the game is western or eastern in origin) but GP2 has it all crossed over so you generally 'exit' when you want to 'action'.
Now, this isn't a dealbreaker or would finally put me off the whole GP2x as a package, but am I the only one who thinks the UI button layout is plain odd? Has this observation been raised before? It'd be great news if the current layout was temporary (or even better, one day when it all works
So does anyone please know - will skinning also include UI functionality? thoughts?