gplink release 1.2


Certified Guru
Feb 28, 2003
New version of Linux gplink is up at

This version includes:

* patch for uploading files bigger than 3mb from Ulrich Hecht and related usb timeout fix
* human readable output option by Vincent Rubiolo
* option to include file sizes in directory listings

Happy new year all :)

Thanks for "officializing" the thing and putting it on your site! The -l flag is a nice addition as well.

Do you still encouter pbs when loading big files? Some people were still having some when I made the first announcement (look for topic title "gplink 1.2 is out"). Because there could not give me more info, I focused on sth else.


The problem with loading large files was related to USB timeouts - at the 3mb point the gp32 often seems to pause a little which was causing the failures with the usb read settings as they were.
Vince, sorry about that. I didn't notice your last couple of posts on the old topic. Well, this version finally uploads over 3mb for me :) but I've got no idea why 'cos the source for gp_put looks identical (apart from the progress display bits). It looks like it's just some random bit of wierdness :blink:
Woogal : no pb. What matters most is that we have now a working-enhanced tool, whoever makes it. :P

Axeman : Yep, glad to know there are some ppl courageously defending the free software world! B)

It'll also be good for me using linux if someone could answer me in this topic ;)
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