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Are you dumb or what?Go learn Korean
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Are you dumb or what?Go learn Korean
I don't think that's too much to ask really, and I expect that GPH has just made a simple oversight in the rush to get a return on their development investment.
I agree. Please refer to my previous 3 postsI don't think that's too much to ask really, and I expect that GPH has just made a simple oversight in the rush to get a return on their development investment.
it isn't too much to ask, but it is a bit much calling in the lawyers so soon
Roll on HH, bugger off Linux.
There is no obligation on GPH side that they have to open up the source on the day one. Well, it's not even officially released yet. This kind of push can actually turn people away from GPL, you have to understand. The last thing a business want is people nagging on their back while the work is still being done. GP2x firmware is far from being completed, I'll even hesitate to call it a beta from all the incompleteness of it that I've read.
Why don't you go bug Sony for their source code of PS2 and PSP, instead? Sony did released their Linux SDK for PS2, but they charged $200 for it and good part of it is just binaries and libraries, which is NOT what they're supposed to do under GPL.
Why are you posting such nonsense? You can charge what you like for GPLed software. What you can't do is prevent someone who has bought it (or obtained it from somewhere) from selling it themselves or giving it away. As for the offer of the source code, that offer must be made when the software is distributed. And the licence must be included with the software. Neither of these things seems to have been done. I personally don't care, but there's no point pretending that there is no violation - the violation is clear.You don't have to pay a penny to use a GPL'ed product, otherwise it's not GPL. Also the GPL allows for source code to be provided on request (at cost), but has anyone moaning about the lack of source code emailed GPH? In Korean?
There is no need to "give them a chance" - they are distributing, so they should include the licence and offer the source code. There's no opinion about this. It's copyright law.As far as I know GPH have said they'll be releasing the code, give them a chance to organise it and/or to provide a method of distribution, heck give them a chance to remove bugs so they can present decent code.
Can somebody write a program that wipes the NAND* so you can have a GPL-free GP2X and then give it to garengarch?
*note this will brick the device but if you really want to get "Hardcore" with your homebrew....
This makes no sense. The Linux source is included in the PS2 Linux kit, if that is what you are talking. You're paying $200 for the harddrive and network adaptor and the OS.
Sony made it ONLY available with those extra stuffs making you PAY for that. There is no place on where you can download just the source code, and that's my point.
This makes no sense. The Linux source is included in the PS2 Linux kit, if that is what you are talking. You're paying $200 for the harddrive and network adaptor and the OS.
Sony made it ONLY available with those extra stuffs making you PAY for that. There is no place on where you can download just the source code, and that's my point.
This makes no sense. The Linux source is included in the PS2 Linux kit, if that is what you are talking. You're paying $200 for the harddrive and network adaptor and the OS.
Sony made it ONLY available with those extra stuffs making you PAY for that. There is no place on where you can download just the source code, and that's my point.
I don't think it's a case of what I am worrying about. It's about respecting copyright law. GPH are apparently worried about a Chinese copy of their product - but who are they to complain if they have used GPLed code without following the conditions set out in the licence?Anyway, I've mentioned in other threads that GPH should release their firmware so that others can fix/impove their firmware for them faster; I am not against opening up and complying with GPL. What I am against, however, is hasting everything at all cost and ruining the whole thing. Patience is a vitue, give them some time to comply. Is THAT hard for you to wait a little? Don't you have other things in your life to worry about other than this in the meantime?
Game Park Holdings is currently in violation of international copyright law by distributing a modified version of the Linux Kernel with out a licensee to do so. The Linux Kernel is licensed via the General Public Licensee, which is better known by its abbreviation “GPL”. A copy of this license can be obtained here:
An unofficial Korean translation can be found here:
Game Park Holding’s violation comes from the fact that it is distributing executable code with out the accompanying source code, this is covered under section 3 of the GPL. To remedy this Game Park Holding must follow one of three options as outlined in the GPL:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
B) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
This situation must be corrected immediately to both avoid the legal ramifications from this copyright infringement, and to restore faith in the Linux and Open Source communities and ultimately your customers that Game Park Holdings is a law abiding company that is not stealing the works of others.
Please do not reply with an answer of “We will release the source code soon”, since you are in fact legally obligated to release it immediately.
You also do not know what the GPL is, nor its terms. As soon as you receive any binary that is compiled with direct support of GPL'd code, you have the absolute right to request the source. They cannot simply release it to one person that contributed to the kernel in 'good faith'.The unit is pre-release, the firmware isn't even past beta, technically. Perhaps they should just release the source to Barak Pearlmutter as is for now until they get the rest of the bugs/additions/revisions finished. It would show they are willing to comprimise (even more than they have already) and it would show they understand the spirit of the GPL, at least to someone with absolute rights to at least a good portion of it.