I think we're in the phase where it makes sense to contact them if you feel so inclined, but I'd hardly encourage a letter writing campaign or pointing gpl-violations.org towards them, that comes later. I’m merely trying to educate them on what they have done wrong as thus far they haven’t demonstrated an understanding the GPL. As for threatening I didn’t mention any legal remedy or make any threats, as I’m not a stake holder and am thus not in a position to do so. If anybody else would like to let GPH know how this makes you feel Anna Hong’s email address is anna@gp2x.com.
To reiterate one more time please read http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html, as doing so will help clear up how exactly this is all suppose to work. The GPL is a very straightforward document not some legalese gibberish.
To reiterate one more time please read http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html, as doing so will help clear up how exactly this is all suppose to work. The GPL is a very straightforward document not some legalese gibberish.