
How many Vektar sales did you make Craig?

Vektar was a very professional and polished game, knowing this should give us a good idea of how things stand.
Maybe a couple of hundred at best. Payback scraped about 500.

Compare to payback on the iphone selling tens of thousands in the first month.
I can't get payback to run on the GBA emulator :\

but back on topic, I Really don't get the concept of selling games on the wiz when it's got tons of free ones, I mean unless they are hardcore professionally developed with future use of the wifi and shit...
Craig, the appstore they're launching might change that. I'm not all that thrilled because of the drm, but with a strong online component the games just might be worth a look. I mean if you'd have been selling Payback on the iphone without an appstore you'd probably have got one tenth of the sales. Or maybe you did just that, I don't know, but I'm guessing.
I would like a nicer way to do debugging, maybe what notaz said about usb networking. On the iphone you can run the debugger and get console output to your mac. Being able to get that would be GREAT on wiz.
craigix said:
Maybe a couple of hundred at best. Payback scraped about 500.

That's like 10 times more than I expected. I guess (since I don't know how many units were actually sold) this means the conversion rate is actually amazingly high. Unfortunately the user base is very small.

Well, if it's similar with the Wiz it might be actually feasible to write small indie games for it. 2-4 weeks tops, that is. About the same amount of effort which goes into a small Flash game.
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Add PDA functions to Wiz. Simple PIM like old Palm's pda. Checklists with tags, calender with appointments, notes and agenda. All with alarms and togs, no categories.