Gph Latest Announcement


May 10, 2003
Montreal, Canada
Hello folks,

Well today I just wanted to check GPH website (korean version) to see if they had posted something about the contest and here is what I saw :

79 [공지사항] 사업장 이전으로 인한 AS 신청 지연 안내 06|11|08 101
안녕하세요. GPH 관리자입니다.

GPH가 11월 13일 사업장 이전을 합니다.
따라서 금주에는 더 이상 AS 신청을 받지 않습니다.

사업장 이전 후에 AS 보낼 연락처 및 주소를 안내해 드릴 예정이오니,
불편하시더라도 AS 신청은 11월 14일 이후에 해주시길 부탁 드립니다.

앞으로도 더욱 노력하는 GPH가 되도록 노력하겠습니다.

Which translate to the following :

79 [Common knowledge fact] AS application delay guidances which are caused by previously the place of business 06|11|08 102

Goodbye is. They are GPH managers.

GPH previously November 13th place of business.
To this week compared to it does not receive above AS applications consequently.

After previously the place of business AS the drill plan to guide the contact place and the address which it will send comes,
The inconvenient are AS applications Haeju hour route entrusting give in November 14th after.

In order for to become GPH where in the future it endeavors more it will endeavor.

This was translated using World Lingo.

Anyone can do a better translation of what exactly they said?
79 [공지사항] 사업장 이전으로 인한 AS 신청 지연 안내 06|11|08 101
안녕하세요. GPH 관리자입니다.

GPH가 11월 13일 사업장 이전을 합니다.
따라서 금주에는 더 이상 AS 신청을 받지 않습니다.

사업장 이전 후에 AS 보낼 연락처 및 주소를 안내해 드릴 예정이오니,
불편하시더라도 AS 신청은 11월 14일 이후에 해주시길 부탁 드립니다.

앞으로도 더욱 노력하는 GPH가 되도록 노력하겠습니다.

Better (or worse) translation (by me) is following:


Hello, This is GPH administrator.

Because we are moving on November 13th, we don't recieve request of customer service in this week.

We will inform you of our new address after moving and we'll accept the requests from Nov. 14th.

Sorry for inconvience.


Well, I hope this helped. :D
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why dont they ALSO post this stuff in a language normal people can understand?!
While the way you said it may incline people to think you a racist, I agree that they should hire someone to update their english page, as that's where their majority of customers check.

- Alex
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Me too,

Thats why I posted this here so people might translate it better and make me at ease. Especially the first line that says Goodbye, and the last one mentionning something better in the future. It really look they were having some trouble and that they had to close or move on.

Ouff it is just them moving to a new office, aint bad, ofcourse unless its because they are shrinking down and laying off employees.
I just remembered, this is the second time they're changing locations, right?

- Alex
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