Still Fresh
This is my first contribution in a long time! A full readme is included in the zip, but here are the main points:
Here are 9 menu background images for the emulator "gpfce" for the GP2X. All images are based on the title screens of actual NES games, keeping as true to the originals as possible. The following games are used:
- Blue Shadow & Shadow of the Ninja
- Castlevania
- Ghosts 'n Goblins
- Mega Man II
- Metroid
- Super Mario Brothers 3
- Sweet Home
- Ultima III - Exodus
- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
NOTE: All the original images were taken using the "RealityC.pal" palette, developed by AspiringSquire, which gives the "truest" reproduction of the original NES colours. I have included this palette (along with versions A & B for completeness) in the "_Palettes" folder, with the original readme by AspiringSquire explaining the methods used.

And the originals:

***Download link***
All comments, suggestions and requests welcome!
Here are 9 menu background images for the emulator "gpfce" for the GP2X. All images are based on the title screens of actual NES games, keeping as true to the originals as possible. The following games are used:
- Blue Shadow & Shadow of the Ninja
- Castlevania
- Ghosts 'n Goblins
- Mega Man II
- Metroid
- Super Mario Brothers 3
- Sweet Home
- Ultima III - Exodus
- Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
NOTE: All the original images were taken using the "RealityC.pal" palette, developed by AspiringSquire, which gives the "truest" reproduction of the original NES colours. I have included this palette (along with versions A & B for completeness) in the "_Palettes" folder, with the original readme by AspiringSquire explaining the methods used.
And the originals:

***Download link***
All comments, suggestions and requests welcome!