Gpengine Lost Archives!


Certified Guru
Mar 25, 2003
49°9' East latitude, 126°43' South longitude: in y
This is the only known source, last public release and multiplayer binary in existence of GPEngine project for GP32 if I'm right.

The original author, black--, sent them to me long time ago, because he needed some help with sprites priorities. I never had time enough to look for his bugs, but the files were lying in my HD.

Sometime later, black-- lost everything in a HD crash, but unfortunatelly I didn't hear anything about it until 2 years later, exactly when I read a gp32x thread talking about it. So well, here are the files back again :)

Dunno version of sources, and dunno if multiplayer binary will work ok, but better late than never :)

If someone can contact black-- please tell him to recover his work by sending him this zip.

See ya guys,

Link to file:,0,0,0,46,1049

PS: related link in gp32x boards :huh:
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Amazing find, Rlyeh :). Saves never worked, so that's why they'll look strange (was the one and only reason I played only a few PCE games on the GP32).

Hopefully there'll be some very very nice stuff here though for PCE emulation for the 2x - and indeed for the gp32 (considering how good this emulator was, and how it could so easily have been just that little bit more...)
Yeah if this emu could be used as a base for a GP2X port it would be awsome. All it would need is saves, 16bit GFX support, the few graphics bugs fixed like corruption in BlazingLazers and it would be the best on the GP2X.
a very nice emulator indeed. I still use my gp32 for pcengine emulation; would be bad somehow, if somebody ported it to the gp2x, what would I do with my gp32, only nes and gb/gbc?
Wow what a damn nice find. After all these years....
never thought the source or black-- would ever to be found again. Now we at least have the source.. =)
rlyeh said:
If someone can contact black-- please tell him to recover his work by sending him this zip.
I sent an e-mail to his brother. Who knows if he'll receive it, though?
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I've given 0.5 a run and multiplayer DOES work, I didn't have anybody around to play against so I just gave it a quick 5 minute or so test.

Flavor: you didn't have to sell them to me ;) but it was much appreciated!
Hooka said:
I've given 0.5 a run and multiplayer DOES work, I didn't have anybody around to play against so I just gave it a quick 5 minute or so test.
Yeah, I've played it over the links before. Bomberman '94 was the best.

Unfortunately, I no longer have my wireless links, Hooka. ;)
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It's a fair bit of kit required to play multiplayer: 2x GP32s, 2x RF units, 2x SMC cards, 2x willing players!

Looking forward to trying this. I happen to have all the necessary kit... even the 2nd "willing" player in the form of my partner. Lucky for me (or lucky for her?) she likes Bomberman!
slaanesh said:
It's a fair bit of kit required to play multiplayer: 2x willing players!
That's always the problem to find a willing player. I even bought two nintendo ds in the hope that my wife will play zoo keeper and tetris with me, no chance, hmm at least there is this wifi-match in tetris.
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chaos engineer said:
slaanesh said:
It's a fair bit of kit required to play multiplayer: 2x willing players!
That's always the problem to find a willing player. I even bought two nintendo ds in the hope that my wife will play zoo keeper and tetris with me, no chance, hmm at least there is this wifi-match in tetris.

I'm fairly lucky with my partner as she will play all sorts of games like that. She's very open minded. We also play board games together. One of our favourites is "Carcassonne". I guarantee that you will like it!

As for PC-Engine gaming, I have a real PC-Engine and we've played countless games of drunken Bomberman 93. I still haven't given the RF multiplayer a go - I will endeavour to do so tomorrow as Australia and New Zealand have a day off - ANZAC day!
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