
Speaking of backgrounds, and to make this more gp32 related, anyone have any wind-ups/YAFL backgrounds that are not just images converted to the gp32 palette?

I ask because all the gp32world ones are really bad quality, due to them not being created from scratch.
I want a hi res bakgroudn on the limited white GP32... Seen in gp32eu video...

I heard of someone here who painted his grey parts white.
Any pictures of it?

I want to do the same.
The gp32_console looks much bether in only white.
heheh mines all white the grey bits i painted in white enamel, and yes it does look alot better. :D

BTW Shirohagen where did you get those icons for the diffrent systems, me want me neeeed. :D
OmarNawaz: I made them, you can download them from that page.

Its all unfinished at the moment but if you click a theme in the GP32 window a ZIP file should begin downloading with all the stuff, otherwise drag the backgrounds to your desktop in the cases where it is not a clickable download link. I have to get round to sorting this out a bit but in the meantime thats what to do...

come on. More people post desktops. If we can get 10 gp32 desktops then we will open a gp32 desktop part. Email them to either the address on the site or too and add which program they are for.