I see.

Always wantet to visit New Zealand.. Seems to be a very interesting and beautiful country.
I was there when I was 9 months old, so I dont remember anything, but my Dad's videos show its beautiful.
My wife's a Kiwi, from Timaru (South Island).
I am English (well, family moved to Australia back in 1981, when I was 12), we have 3 aussie born kids. Needless to say it makes for some interesting times when the rugby is on.
We get over to NZ every year, to catch up with the missus' family.
Never made it to the North Island yet, but from what I have seen of the South Island, it is an amazing place, incredibly beautiful, scenic etc, very relaxing and friendly place. Petty its so cold, although I guess that is part of what makes it so beautiful, you don't get the green without the cold and rain.
The mountains in the south Island are stunning, absolutely stunning, especially compared to what we call a mountain here in australia (mount munnibung anyone !).
For our honeymoon, we did the train trip down the west coast of the south island (can't remember what is called). Man, did we see some incredible things.
If you get the chance to go over, I highly recommend it.