will this also allow me to connect my USB DVD Drive
if yes... can i just plug my Gp32 usb cable in the back of the drive and then it will be available? (the DVD-Drive has an external power supply).. wasnt there an mp3 play for Gp32linux released? much music on a DVD :-D
when there is smc write support it could be very useful ..
well i think that you can do it
usb storage devices are using the same driver, usb memory stick, usb smc card reader/wrtier,
hdd, dvd, ....
there is a mp3 player
but right now there is a nasty problem with the sound driver, some dma problems, ...
so the sound has some glitches
we really need some help ....
now that i think, my smc card writer [ usb2, 15 € ] is detected on my pc as a usb storage device
so you could connect your smc card writer on your gp32 !!!! and thaht way you can write to your
smc !!!!!
So like, I can buy one of those USB keyrings, I can use it?
yes, but wait a little because you need external 5V power supply
and right now you have to build your own, but we will see if you can make some pics/tutorial
or ask toholl or nigel brown [ uk ] to make some, or anybody else
i have an exam tomorrow [ hard and borring, and it seems i will be anihilated as usual

so wait until tomorrow night, for more tests/news (and complaints about my shity life
