GP32 on Gamezville (Sky one)


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
Visit site
Hmmmm - haven't seen Gamezville yet.

The general concensus of opinion seems to be negative though - partly due to the lack of GP32 related news. <_<

Well people - that's about to change. I've been contacted by Craig, and then by the Gamezville people themselves to do an interview about all things GP32. I'll be going to London in the next few weeks to film an interview with the presenters which will be broadcast on the show not long after. They want to do a special spot all about it - what's so special about it etc.

So! Your friendly neighbourhood Axeman will be doing all he can (barring clever editing) to bolster opinion about our favorite console to the unititiated Sky one millions.....

Wish me luck!

Cheers! :D
i'm watching it just now and it has to be the most amatuerish and out of touch games program since anything presented by Fred Harris (for the non old farts- weirdy beardy type who presented computer based tv programmes in the early 80s, and seeing as they were on the BBC they always seemed to feature the BBC Micro very heavily <_< )

Although maybe it sums up the Playstation Generation to a T, a bunch of clueless tossers who are trying to bring an "urban flava" to a bunch of nerds...

And there's too much damned PS2 and Xbox and not enough Gamecube!!!

But good luck for the slot, however I have a feeling that it will last for about 2 seconds, after all you don't get Tomb Raider for the GP32!!
I have the opinion that even though Gamesville may be an amateurish gameshow - they're doing a spot on GP32, and that makes it more than worth to see. I can't wait to see you on it Axeman, make us proud. Try to get as much information out as you can. It will be worth it!

Good luck Axeman!
moora101 posted on Aug 19 2003 said:
i'm watching it just now and it has to be the most amatuerish and out of touch games program since anything presented by Fred Harris (for the non old farts- weirdy beardy type who presented computer based tv programmes in the early 80s, and seeing as they were on the BBC they always seemed to feature the BBC Micro very heavily <_< )
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well i have infact emailed them about the gp32 a few days ago telling them they should feature it as they were try 2 show that they like retro games. what would be interesting is if suddenly there was a sharp rise in gp32 owners or atleast an sharp rise in board members + a much bigger interest
played m8ty, get them to come to the british meet-up.

now that would be a feature ! :)

looking forwad to seeing you give the gp32 a glowing report
:o:O:O I know we said that gamezville sux because of the lack of GP32 related news, but it also sucks for a whole host of other reasons and 4 that those heathens do not deserve to be gifted with the delight of using and/or seeing one. So axeman take a gameboy advance and paint it white :P See if they notice :D
Plus if either of them say nething at ALLLLL about having one/seeing one before/liking all of the games on it or give it less than 5 "G's" tell me and ill get the :D


P.S I h8 Gamezville i believe it should be replaced with Pokemon :D
Go for it m8y,it'll be great seeing you on the box. But just a quick question. Should we insure our T.V. sets? :P
Go for it m8y,it'll be great seeing you on the box. But just a quick question. Should we insure our T.V. sets?

Up to you! :P

:o:O I know we said that gamezville sux because of the lack of GP32 related news, but it also sucks for a whole host of other reasons and 4 that those heathens do not deserve to be gifted with the delight of using and/or seeing one. So axeman take a gameboy advance and paint it white See if they notice
Plus if either of them say nething at ALLLLL about having one/seeing one before/liking all of the games on it or give it less than 5 "G's" tell me and ill get the


P.S I h8 Gamezville i believe it should be replaced with Pokemon

I wouldn't replace ANYTHING with pokemon....

Nothing deserves that!
Put an article on the GP32 text viewer stating what's wrong with Gamezville and then use it as a demonstration piece while your there, maybe they might then pay attention. Also shout 'Tosser' up that spirally stair case where the game guru lives for me will ya?
I agree, visuals are always nice. ;) btw, axeman, I haven't seen you in my neighborhood. :huh: <looking, looking, searching...> :blink:
good luck...axeman....WHA-Hoo..
will you be mentioning commercial game's as well as retro gaming...
as i think this might help the gp32 make an impact...
just look at mill....stunning game!!
but in a fairness....GP32 ROCKS DUDE...
Hey, good luck axeman. This could make you the new spokesperson for gamepark32 (that is if it even had an old one)

Evil Cartman, if you record it make sure you encode to divx with virtual dub and distribute it so everyone can watch it on their gp32 :P