GamezVille on Skyone


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
Has anyone seen this program yet? It's a complete joke, today they tried to be all retro by discussing altered beast yet they knew nothing about it despite one of the presenters pretending it was on of their favourite games in their youth. Then they moved onto the 'gadgets section' I was praying for the GP32 to be featured, but no! they're undiscovered wonder was an MP3 player. They talked about it in lame mans terms as if no one had ever seen one before.

Utter disgrace, when are the media going to get games TV right.

Dominic Diamond and Patrick Moore must be spinning in their TV career graves every time this TV show gets aired.
Yeah, I saw this show a few days ago, unfortunatly. I can't believe how bad the presenters are at trying to convince viewers they're actually intrested in any sort of game. It's like really lame acting :lol:

Also, when they mentioned Viewtiful Joe the other day, they completly failed to mention the slow-down/speed-up/zoom-in techniques.. the key components of the game :lol:

I think it must be live too.. they messed up so many times when I watched it. Either that or they're just really, really stupid ;)
Nitro posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
Yeah, I saw this show a few days ago, unfortunatly. I can't believe how bad the presenters are at trying to convince viewers they're actually intrested in any sort of game. It's like really lame acting :lol:

Also, when they mentioned Viewtiful Joe the other day, they completly failed to mention the slow-down/speed-up/zoom-in techniques.. the key components of the game :lol:

I think it must be live too.. they messed up so many times when I watched it. Either that or they're just really, really stupid ;)
No don't be fooled they really are just stupid. The Game Guru bit is perhaps the most embarrasing part.
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Wooh ! that confirms it i dont know one person who actually likes this game promgra. Another thing i dont get is they do competitions for the 'best gamer' but they play the most pointless games. Never anything that actually reqquires a great extent of skill eg ut2k3 or counterstrike. The only time i've ever seen stuff like that featured was on an mtv program follwing the number 1 ut2k3 player i guess that was a better insight. But i must admit this is just some kind of sick joke + its on so often damn it ! its just 2 pointless :( :( :( when it comes 2 mainstream tv they just have no idea what appeals to gamers they never even scrape into the world of gadgets. Then you get something like game-network that has some shows for gamers but the channel itself seems rather low quality and a tad tacky + sooo many adverts about mobile phone games goddamn it !

oh can anyone remember .tv the techonoloy channel on sky whys it gone i was sad enough 2 really like that channel + i freely admit it i want it back ! ! ! ! ! ! :( :( some of their shows would probably feature something like the gp32
This program really does suck, but has anyone seen the game network channel on sky, it's channel 223 or something, that has to be one of the worst channels let alone games related programme in history
When Gamenetwork first appeared it was actually very good but over time you could see the ads and compo's slowly slipping in to cover the costs. Now only one guy texts them constantly and thats some guy called anon (seriously he's been there for years and it doesn't stand for anonamous).

They do know what they're talking about at GN but they're italian so I don't think the culture quite fits and it's as if they've encoded their entire channel for use with GPcinema.
It's a load of bollox, I hate the way they are trying to jump on ' the Gangsta youth' bandwagon. It's not funny - or cool. It's poor, the reviews are a joke with the little toerags declaring - "well, it has good graphics" - and what the hell?! BLOODY G's - argh!

GameMaster was the best and always will be the best. It was funny (in that sad humour I like) and it was informative etc etc . BRING BACK GAMESMASTER - WE LUV IT!

The sooner these two pretty boyZ get off the telly, the better. IDIOTS.

I give it 0 G's. Blah Blah, die.
drink ya millk :rolleyes:
GamePad has just two things going for it, guess what they are
moz posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
drink ya millk :rolleyes:
GamePad has just two things going for it, guess what they are
Yeah the twins were great pity about the face. And the repeats, y'know I think they only had 4 episodes of gamepad a year.

Thumb that was a good piece of gaming TV. It starred Ian whatsit from the 11 o'clock show/RI:SE and that odd canadian women Alex from Bits.

I remember one of Ian's reviews of headhunter, he simply put both of his thumbs up towards the screen and said in a dead pan voice "Fucking brilliant"

Not as good as Games master but good enough.....but guess what? It's dead.
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Gamezville is so lame its untrue, but lookin at the greatness of the GP32, it will be a few years b4 they find it. :D, we are the priveliged ones. By the looks of the gamesguru they found him in the homeless shelter and gave im a fiver to do an entire series :lol: And the people on the show have never even seen a pc with a graphics car that can push nethin over640 x 480, although thats just my views on it :D

Another games/technology channel was .tv which was only on sky 4 a few months but was by far the best they were really up to date and reliable reviews, does ne1 else remember it i thikn it was the best channel since the adult cahnnel :P

We dont have anything like that here in australia :( but we did use to get cnet pc news in the weekend mornings and that wasnt 2 bad but it only lasted maybe a month?

Hmm i dont ven know if we have sat morning cartoons anymore altho me being up at 7am on a weekend is a laugh :lol: :lol: :lol:

it is awful... truly awful...

it's almost like a Craig David nightmare with it's wannabe "urban flava bling bling" bollocks.

But I will give it credit for one thing, the last games programme on SKY1 had so much advertising from a website (can't remember which one now) that they had to declare the programme was one biiiiiig advert!

I'm glad I work and don't have to put up with this bollocks every day!!

Come back Dominic Diamond.. ALL IS FORGIVEN!!!!
I used to watch Bitz late night on channel 4, with emily booth (who now presents outhere on channel 5 and bravo)

That was excellent, in a similar style to the show vidz which was a review show for films

They were good enough for me, much better than this 'primetime' shite, aimed at children (children who listen to rnb at that)
I liked Bitz alot too. They really should bring that back! Oh, and Big Boy Barry's joypad :lol:

I tried to contact Channel 4 a while ago to ask them about a possible repeat but they are IMPOSSIBLE to contact. Channel 4 do not under any circumstances want you to know their e-mail address. They either have broken links or redirections. Even If I did get through they'd probably only read the e-mail if it had 'Big brother' or 'Will and grace' in the subject title.
