Gp32 Not Loading Anything. Please Suggest A Fix!


Still Fresh
Mar 30, 2004

I just went to use my GP32 for the first time in a few months and now it won't load from any card I put in it. I have one commercial game that starts to load, and the loading bars keep moving, but it never gets any further. My two memory cards fail to register in the machine, and the warning text in the left hand box is formatted wrong, spelt wrong. It’s an original GP32, not blu or backlit. I never flashed it or anything. It would run at 166 or more under emulation I think if I remember correctly.

I really don't want it to die on me. Is there a way to revive it? Would some kind of flash help? I’m no expert in this.

Many thanks to anybody who replies.

isn't it probably just he contacts of the gp32 being oxidised?
just insert and remove a card a LOT of time, blow the dust out of the thing, and with some luck it'll start working again (or open it up and see if you can't clean the contacts a bit)
I get the same thing, except that the text isn't garbled. Slannesh suggested that I stick some paper/tape on the back of the SMC to thicken it, in case it doesn't reach the connector pins properly. It didn't work for me, but it may be worth giving it a shot yourself!

- Alex
Thanks for the tips guys. I took it apart to have a look but the contacts are covered and hard to reach. It all looks very clean. I tried pushing a card in and out repetedly and added some tape to the back to make sure the conntacts touched, but no joy. When the commercial GP32 game is inserted (hany party game) it recognises the card, showing two little icons, and when selected the loading bars start to go, but it never moves off that page.
I hate to say it, but the GP32 isnt the best built system around. My gp32 was identified with "an internal power short" about a year after I got it. Now the frontlight doesn't work and it can't overclock. I sent it in to get it fixed, but it could not be repaired. Thats life.