think i may have done something to my GP32
yesterday i all of a suden it started playing up. frodo was not running anything properly, but worse still day of the tentacle just wouldnt load at all.i could still load monkey 2 and indiana jones but not monkey 1 or dott. everything else seemed fine then i noticed that fordo wasnt working and most of my gbc roms wernt loading either. so i backed up my dott saves (the only important thing on the system) and formated the smc. ive reinstaled windups and scumm and dott now works, but it hangs when i try and load the saves. the gbc roms now work aswell.
im running mrspivs firmware upgrade booting straight to wind-ups, but have tried via orig firmware and free launcher. anyone else had any similar problems, is the smc media a bit flaky at times? oh and i did try fresh batteries. the really odd thing is frodo did run ocasionaly and even mario tennis (one of the gbc problem games) managed to run once, its as if the gp32 is being tempromental and not borken, again any help much apreciated.
im running mrspivs firmware upgrade booting straight to wind-ups, but have tried via orig firmware and free launcher. anyone else had any similar problems, is the smc media a bit flaky at times? oh and i did try fresh batteries. the really odd thing is frodo did run ocasionaly and even mario tennis (one of the gbc problem games) managed to run once, its as if the gp32 is being tempromental and not borken, again any help much apreciated.