GP32 in the post!

being a hardcore pc user i understand about the next big thing...
I'm stuck in the 2d world and i dont wanna leave for the 3d world :P

prob why i never got a system above n64 ;)

if u get a zodiac u r getting 3d games basiclly and i want 2ds games so i'll stay with my gp32 :)

it came today kewl!

just spent last few hours setting her up and testing it out its pretty dam good!
went great setup nes & sms emu, some mp3s, doom... Rick... Pang... :D

its a joy, this thing owns!
why the hell has everyone suddenly started sayin owns? I cant even see how it could mean to be cool at all. I own a shitty pink inflatable hat, doesnt mean its cool tho... :blink:
used at the correct rave party it may be considered way cool... The pink hat I mean... Or maybe at a local rendition of 'Les Girls - a night to remember'....

BTW, I will personally punish the first aussie i ever hear saying 'owns' in that context. :D