Demo´s are very nice, if you don´t know what sort of thing a demo is just think of 3DMark 2002 or something like that. Choose the demo function and you have the very thing people used to watch on their c64´s, Amstrads, MSX´s, Amiga´s. In fact what the 3DMark 2002 reminds me of is a some sort of Amiga like demo, it even displays ´insert disk2´ for a brief moment when it goes from part 1 to part 2 of the demonstration.
Demo´s basically are very designy, slick peaces of graphicscode accompanied by appropriate music. Almost like video-dj´ing. I did some assambly demo´s on the c64, did some soundmon music stuff, smooth scrolling, color scrolls, picture shows, 4colors on 8x8pixel pixel art and MORE (320x200 multicolor resolution using often more than 8 overlapping multi/single color sprites using irq´s nmi´s over 320x200 2 color high res screen) and TSR stuff, I remember doing stuff like....
$4000 SEI
LDA #$00
STA $0314
LDA #$C0
STA $0315
JMP $4000
$C000 LDX #$00
STX $D020
JMP $C000
bla bla bla but then much more impressive of course...hehehe it has been a LOOONG while
Great stuff, demo´s.... I was very impressed by aardbei´s demo on the gp32