GP32 Gp32 demoscene..

Heh, i haven't been involved in the scene quite that long, i got my first comp when i was 11 (around 1991) and started coding on it pretty much right away.
It was a PC XT though so it wasn't much fun..:D

Demo´s are very nice, if you don´t know what sort of thing a demo is just think of 3DMark 2002 or something like that. Choose the demo function and you have the very thing people used to watch on their c64´s, Amstrads, MSX´s, Amiga´s. In fact what the 3DMark 2002 reminds me of is a some sort of Amiga like demo, it even displays ´insert disk2´ for a brief moment when it goes from part 1 to part 2 of the demonstration.
Demo´s basically are very designy, slick peaces of graphicscode accompanied by appropriate music. Almost like video-dj´ing. I did some assambly demo´s on the c64, did some soundmon music stuff, smooth scrolling, color scrolls, picture shows, 4colors on 8x8pixel pixel art and MORE (320x200 multicolor resolution using often more than 8 overlapping multi/single color sprites using irq´s nmi´s over 320x200 2 color high res screen) and TSR stuff, I remember doing stuff like....

$4000 SEI
LDA #$00
STA $0314
LDA #$C0
STA $0315
JMP $4000

$C000 LDX #$00
STX $D020
JMP $C000

bla bla bla but then much more impressive of course...hehehe it has been a LOOONG while

Great stuff, demo´s.... I was very impressed by aardbei´s demo on the gp32
Deeeeemoz ;) ..will do (oldskool) when time allows. Although GP32 is not the best platform for oldskool hw abusing lcd trick demos.. :blink:
More demos on GP32 would very cool IMO. GoatPark was a nice one, and a good demo can be just as entertaining as listening to an MP3 or watching a video on GP32 if it's done well with some interesting and innovative effects and has good music.

But original games would be even nicer - seriously, there's so few good commercial games, some of you super talented guys around here ought to consider working on some games together and have them sold on JoyGP. I'd buy em, and so would lotsa GP32 owners. So many genres need filling, and nothing 3D has been done for example, and surely GP32 could do more than a GBA with polygons. Not that I'm a huge 3D fan, in fact I'd rather see something like Gunstar Heroes or Guardian Heroes (yeah I'm a Treasure fan, who isn't?).

But still, demos are cool too. :)
For someone new to the demo-scene:
A pretty nice overview can be found on this site. It even has a little glossary, for the not-so-technically-gifted. *ahem* ;)

"scotty, i want real 3d in an intro."
"that'll be a 256kb one, then."
"i give you 64kb."
"i'll do it in 48."

I realize I've been constantly linking to FR stuff... :unsure:

Oh well... last 'demo beginner' link for today: demoscene radio - them's got the good demo music. :rolleyes:
Sdw yes indeed i am a C64 veteran and i really miss this time 8-(, it was much more fun and easy to code on it compare to today complexity of machine. And also because you have more power it is even more difficult to make something totally amazing. Sadly the demo scene kinda wind down on the PC because of all those big monster card, CPU, etc... 8-(.

Mark 1970
Hmm your good sound almost good but i think it have a few mistake ;-)

JSR $1000 -- Init music
LDA #$30
STA $D012 -- Important to tell where we will generate the interupt on the screen ;-)
LDA #$00
STA $0315
LDA #$C0
STA $0315

Then at $C000

JSR $1003 -- play music (probalby a JCH player)
LDX #$0
STX $D020,X

But this is my way of coding ;-).
funnily enough I like demos enough - but alas I'm a coder without a coding job. by night I'm a barmonkey and by day I code/procrastinate due to the heat :)

I've been toying with doing some commercial GP32 coding on the theory that although there's not so many machines out there there's still a fair machines sold:games sold ratio because they're so cheap you can afford to take a chance on a game you know nearly nothing about. Plus being a simpler system it might bring back the back bedroom spirit

There's also a couple of old amiga/megadrive games I feel would go down well on the system, but coding hurdles aside I have 2 other things to deal with:

1) I'd obviously need to come to some sort of arrangement with the people behind the originals and to be honest I have *no* cash to put up in advance for these games (Bloody student debts) so it'd have to be some kind of royalty payment if this happened.

2) I don't actually know anything about being published thought the JoyGP program. I assume there's some kind of quality control/approval to go through as well as a royalty payment there...

so currently I'm after contacting some people from my dark and shady Archimedes* past who would know something about persuading people to allow conversions to 'minority platforms' and doing my homework before getting too involved with anything in particular.

if anyone has any knowledge related to those 2 problems feel free to email me details at sack ( a t ) (seeing as i have the pretentious domain i might as well deliver the goods <_< )


*Actually I did enjoy riscos coding. I knew that ARM assembly language stuff would come in useful one day :)