Gp32 Commercial Support


Arguable Idiot
Jan 7, 2005
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A couple months ago maybe, Craig had posted in another topic, which i can't find now, that the GP32 was getting some suprise commercial support.

Has anything else been mentioned regarding this or did it fall through like everything else that happens commercially with the GP32.

EDIT: Found the old post that was posted on 4-05-2005

Yeah, I think prototypes showed up in late 2000?

And in related news the GP32 has got some very unexpected commercial support coming soon, but i can't explain anymore yet, its something suprising and much requested though.

He's not allowed to, I'm also not allowed to, though I can confirm this is still active (got a mail from GP a few days ago).
Fools! everyone knows Microsoft is the big secret supporter. GPHalo is the big surprise!
DemonStar55 posted on Jul 2 2005 at 01:11 AM said:
I think I remember there was suppose to be an official megaman game (could be wrong) but that was awesome
EDIT: haha I found where I saw that :P
2nd to last

Yeah, but the announced Capcom games weren't made by Capcom at all. :) The licenses were given to a korean developer (GP themselves?) who could then port the games to the GP32. Same goes for Street Fighter Zero 3, Breath of Fire and (non-Capcom) Guilty Gear X.

And does it need to be a game? It could just as much mean something like JAVA or Flash, over which I'd be equally excited. :)
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shinneri posted on Jul 2 2005 at 08:11 PM said:
Would you happen to know if WBW English version is still coming?

No :( I wish I would :(
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Vimacs posted on Jul 1 2005 at 07:23 PM said:
you mean gp actualy hired a monkey that can reply to mails? :-)
For the last time, will everyone please remember BumHong Lee? ;)
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