Homebrew games and emus are great, but a commercially developed game with real depth and great graphics would be nice, I have to say. I know I'd buy a DECENT english rpg, and I'd like to say, I quite like the style of the commercial games that are available. I find the look Interesting and fairly original.
I bought it first for the Divx, second for emulators and third for original games and hombrew possibilities. I still WANT to see Original games though because DivX is a lot of work to encode, the system has a lot of untapped power and the 16 bit emulators are taking a long time to get to a truely finished state. As a consumer product the GP can hope to survive on emmulators alone.
I'd Buy an english version of Her Knights and Mill as well as Blood Cross and Goddess saga(if they ever comeout) because they ARE cool looking titles with depth. Home brews have barely reached an attention gathering level for me, a few puzzle games are really good but half of them are remakes of stuf I can play on the NES emulator (just how many Tetris and Columns clones DO we need?)