GP32 backlit version - footage/info


Mega GP Mania
Feb 3, 2003
I've posted video footage of the gp32 light on

Apparently the footage has been around for a while, but here is the info from them:


FLU was developed by Korean Company – Nanotec.

Policy is follows;

1. They’ll install FLU for customers in their clean room. (Customer send GP to them and they install and ship-back)

2. They’ll install FLU for new GP

3. Finally they sell FLU unit to Game Park and Game Park install it in factory.


We will have both the upgrade kit and the factory installed gp32's.

Thanks for the quick info craigx!

One question... this upgrade kit, is this somebody anybody can purchase and do themselves, or would we have to send our units into you?

so can this do done at home by a random person like oh lets say me?
your average schmo?
yeah , can we buy and install the kit just like an afterburner or do we have to send our gp32s back to korea??

(korea is far , how long and how much will it cost us? )
Will order one of these :)
I always have trouble with the screen, that footage looks amazing.
Will there be a separate switch for the light?

No way I'll be fitting one if it can't be switch off.
Hope it can be installed without the need of sending it to the company....that would be anoying :(

"We will have both the upgrade kit and the factory installed gp32's."

Craigx - Does we mean your online shop or the GP32 community?
we will get more answers this week - yes we will have the kits so you can upgrade your own, or we will do it.

Yes you can turn them on and off etc. Will post photos soon.
Wahey, looks like more orders coming your way from me and the Llamasofties then Craig! :D

(:-) - Yak
craigix posted on Mar 10 2003 said:
Yes you can turn them on and off etc. Will post photos soon.
with a button combinaison or with a dedicated switch ? :)
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Sweet, I hope this can be done easy enough. Seems I ordered my GP32 a bit too soon? ;)