Gp32 Amiga Emulator

psj3809 posted on Feb 18 2005 at 09:00 AM said:
[...] obviously most of them were on the Amiga as well, the versions arent too different.
Except for the ST's far inferior sound (and the graphics are a bit inferior, too).

Maybe we'll see UAE or Fellow for the PSP?
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I think it can be done, not at 60fps but in the 20-30fps area with sound, just look at the DC amiga emu and remember we have access to cyclone. The amiga hardware is very quirky but a lot of games didn't use much of it.

sensible GP32 posted on Feb 17 2005 at 01:52 AM said:
anything by sensible software, about covers it for me best codeshop ever!

also roadkill that game is amazing

I second you on that :) I adore every Sensible software games :) but my fav to be seen on GP would be SWOS :P

oh and outside of Sensible I would say that The Settlers on a handled would be amazing :rolleyes:

As Craigix I want to beleive in it , even not at 60 fps !! one day... maybe !
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settlers on the gp32 along with x-com and i would probably shit myself with exitment. even if its some of the less advanced amiga games, i would be sooooo happy.
craigix posted on Feb 20 2005 at 01:45 PM said:
I think it can be done, not at 60fps but in the 20-30fps area with sound, just look at the DC amiga emu and remember we have access to cyclone. The amiga hardware is very quirky but a lot of games didn't use much of it.


put your money where your mouth is...

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just wondering (not coder so might be stupid) is the gp32 and dreamcast similar to code for, couldnt the DC emu be ported?
If im talking shite i apologize in advance.
Problem with the Amiga is all the custom hardware needed to be emulated, and still have enough CPU power to emulate the drives, input devices (Mouse/Joy/Clock).

Some things the GP32 has going for it that would be good for Amiga emulation...

8 megs of RAM.
GP32 RAM is 32-bit, where chip ram was 24 bit on the Amiga and fast ram was 16-bit
SMC-loaded .ADF files would still be faster than real Amiga floppies
Chatboard for possible keyboard emulation
320x240 is fine for most NTSC games.
Two speakers for stereo sound
The LCD screen of the GP32 can handle as many colors as the Stock A500 could.

If the DC port runs at about 200MHz at like %60, I'm guessing with 160 to 166 MHz, it would be like %40 of the speed of a real A500. If that... But it'd be a good start for optimizing.
Winterkid posted on Feb 22 2005 at 02:43 PM said:
Problem with the Amiga is all the custom hardware needed to be emulated, and still have enough CPU power to emulate the drives, input devices (Mouse/Joy/Clock).

Some things the GP32 has going for it that would be good for Amiga emulation...

8 megs of RAM.
GP32 RAM is 32-bit, where chip ram was 24 bit on the Amiga and fast ram was 16-bit
SMC-loaded .ADF files would still be faster than real Amiga floppies
Chatboard for possible keyboard emulation
320x240 is fine for most NTSC games.
Two speakers for stereo sound
The LCD screen of the GP32 can handle as many colors as the Stock A500 could.

If the DC port runs at about 200MHz at like %60, I'm guessing with 160 to 166 MHz, it would be like %40 of the speed of a real A500. If that... But it'd be a good start for optimizing.

I'm wondering, Reesy mentioned on DrMD thread about a possible new 68K-core he was looking into... Someone said it would make CaSTaway "fly"... Would Amiga emulator benefit from such a thing, or does this DC-one use it's own core?
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A new 68k core? Yeah, the updated 68k core that DrMD would use would definitely benefit any Amiga emulator that would be attempted. It would also cut down on the time it would take to adapt the emulator port to the GP32 from whichever system the emulator code came from I'd imagine.
feddon posted on Feb 20 2005 at 10:50 PM said:
settlers on the gp32 along with x-com and i would probably shit myself with exitment. even if its some of the less advanced amiga games, i would be sooooo happy.

Yeahhh :) honnestly it's some games with infinite replay value for me, and they would be even more perfect on a true gaming handled machine ;p In such cases (next gen GP) my expectations would be higher & full speed Amiga emu would be necessary :) but that's a dream for the moment... Maybe we'll need to wait next generation GP to be able to see this in real :) but damn on that day I would be as happy as you & many other fans ;)

oh and I'm sure that it would be extremly playable on a handled :)

sensible GP32 posted on Feb 22 2005 at 12:59 PM said:
its nice to see there is a love for sensible software on this forum, it makes me happy it does :)

For sure, Sensible World of Soccer is still now in 2005 THE BEST soccer game ever made in this universe ^^ (imo) :P
I'm still playing it everyday (still so fun) :P
hummmm btw I heard that it exist some 'updated' version of SWOS with newer team & players name... but I can't put the hand on this :( if somebody can help me ;)
But SensiSoftware also make many other awesome games that I've finished many times & I'm still playing:
- Sensible Soccer (normal international version, actually playing on Snes emu on GP)
- Mega Lo Mania (if somebody knows how to make it work fine either on CastawayGp or DrMd or something like that, please tell me I would love to play it back :P)
- Cannon Fodder 1 & 2 (chapter 1 is fully playable on Snes emu on GP :P)
& Sensible Golf (which is excellent imo :P)

ahhhhh Old school games made by Sensbile Software are still sooooo great :)
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Well, Mame running at a decent speed with sound was something that was speculated probably wouldn't happen, Yet now we've got one which apparently runs at 80-100% speed *with sound* due out in march, as well as another still in the works. And theres also this word about a possible new 68k core. I'd really love to see some talented coders taking a serious shot at Amiga emulation on the GP32.

P.s. Games by Sensible Software were amazing! We need swos on gp32! :)
i think if we can get quake 60ish% speed with sound, mame 80%+ with sound, then even if amiga emu was 50% without sound settlers and xcom would still work, i know i keep going on about them but they are 2 of my all time fav games.
I hope someone attempts this, they would be a legend.
Winterkid posted on Feb 24 2005 at 03:44 PM said:
I would love to play Nuclear War for the Amiga honestly. Loved that game.

Ah! Yeah! And speed wouldn't matter really for that game!
Down with Ronnie Raygun ;)
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