Gp2Xpectrum Wiz 1.8


Trooper`s watching you !!!
Apr 20, 2003
The DarkSide (London)
Visit site

SplinterGU has released a new version of his Spectrum emulator for the Wiz.

GP2xpectrum Wiz 1.8

What's New?

* Confirmation before compressing
* Option to delete roms and directories (with confirmation)
* You can browse any directory depth (always within roms /)
* Up to 16,384 entries per directory
* Corrections in some controls on the Linux version
* Now the browser displays the screenshot roms rom each (support SNA and Z80 sp)
* You can zoom in the screenshots (vol + and vol-).
* Internally normalizes the color screen to 1
* Linux uses scaled to 640x480 mode (not used softened, just a normal scale)
* Volume control chart
* Browser faster refresh the directory or when exiting a game

Download from here

I've only just found it aswell.
It's available here (version 1.8): or here:,0,0,0,72,175 (now!)
And there's posts about it here:
Excellent job on this one SplinterGU. :)

Edit: I've just uploaded the latest version (1.8) to the archive. :)
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Any idea why this is not showing on the WiZ file archive? makes me wonder what else im missing
manic23 said:
Any idea why this is not showing on the WiZ file archive? makes me wonder what else im missing
It's still the old version on the Wiz Archive, I've left a comment on there saying where to download the latest version.
SplinterGU might of just forgot to update the archive.

I've now updated the archive to the latest version (1.8) :)

;) If we get another update, is there any chance a few things can be added or changed?

1. Could the default start up model (for TAPs & TZXs) be changed from the 128k? (Perhaps with an option in the menu), as most games need to be reset to the 48k model.

2. Could there be confirmation before loading & saving states, keyboard settings and quit game? (and could the 'Return to game' be the default highlighted option after pressing Menu)

3. The ZX80/81 emulator sz81 here:,0,0,0,72,392 has a very nice virtual keyboard, could a Spectrum version be done with all the keyboard functions on like PRINT, GOTO etc?
Something like this:

Maybe TRUE VIDEO, INV VIDEO, BREAK, DELETE, GRAPH, EXTEND MODE, EDIT, CAPS LOCK, ; " , and Cursor Up, Down, Left & Right (shifted 5-8) as seperate buttons could be added to it as on the +3 keyboard.

4. If the virtual keyboard could be used with the touchscreen it would be nice. (The clock speed will have to be set at 533 though)
If Enter could be mapped to the X button, Space to the A button & Delete to the Y button on the keyboard screen it would be helpful. (I know the MKEY button is mapped to A at the moment, maybe this could be changed?)

5. Could the default clock speed be set at 533? The maximum is only 300 at the moment, this max level could be raised to 800.

6. Could a new joystick setting be added for shifted 5-8 and enter? (For the 128k menu)
(The bottom line on the virtual keyboard shifts from left to right when scrolling through the joystick options)

7. Could the keyboard & joystick settings from the previous game be reset (to the default) when you exit the game and load a new one?
(A way of changing & saving the default (start up) keyboard mapping setting would be nice)

8. Is there any way of showing the full names of the roms (or the highlighted one) on the game selection menu?
(The :a).tzx.bz2 bit on the right wastes a lot of this space)

9. Could the file from here:,0,0,0,23,271 be included in the next release to reduce the screen tearing?
(I've tried the one from the 'SDL_Normal' folder and this helps a lot!)

10. Maybe a way to turn off the screenshots on the .SNA/.SP/.Z80 game selection screen (and a way to save the preferred size/off settings)

11. Could MENU to compress be added to the bottom of the 'Program List' screen?

12. Is there anyway to get this running through Win2X without having to run it through the original frontend?

13. A readme with full instructions included in the download would be helpful.

Cheers, Neil :)
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I've now updated the old version on the archive to this newer version (1.8) :)
I didn't realise anybody could update the archive. (I thought it was just the original uploader who could!)
Cheers, Neil
trooper said:
* You can browse any directory depth (always within roms /)
* Up to 16,384 entries per directory

I see that it allows you to change ROMs. Does it also allow you to play any actual tape/disc software on it? Or just ROMs? I love the way that it supports up to 16,384 entries per directory when there were only 10 game ROMs produced for the bloody thing :-p

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I think by ROMs it means games (not Interface II cartridges!), it supports .DSK, .SNA, .SP, .TAP, .TZX & .Z80 files. (These need to go into the roms folder)

Cheers, Neil

Edit: If you need better instructions download the GP2X version (here:,0,0,0,72,1786 ) and have a look at the readme file. Somethings have been changed on the Wiz version though, like the buttons (eg. joystick fire, GP2X-A button/Wiz-B button)
Neil L said:
I think by ROMs it means games (not Interface II cartridges!), it supports .DSK, .SNA, .SP, .TAP, .TZX & .Z80 files. (These need to go into the roms folder)

No .szx support? FUSE supports these natively through libspectrum, and wouldn't take much hacking to get ported. How about the new ULA+? Any love for that in this version? Dunno 'bout anyone else, but there's been a not insignificant amount of work done to bring 64 colours to the speccy screen and the results are quite amazing. Soon to be available as a plug-in replacement for the ULA on real speccies too...

And anyone who demands that their emulator must read game images from a "roms" folder when they're actually talking about tape and disk images deserves to be shot at dawn. The system ROMs should be in a ROMs folder, and not games.

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