Gp2xpectrum V1.6


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Seleuco did some more Spectrum-Emulator-Fixes.


- Fixed Sound emulation. Speaker & AY sounds OK now. New DSP Code. More accurated and there are fewer buffer underruns.
- Added stereo sound for the speaker & AY.
- Added sound mode selector: No sound, Mono, Stereo Beeper, Stereo AY, Stereo ALL.
- Added sound rate mode selector: 44100,32000,22050,11025KHz
- Added sound mute selector: Off,Low, High. Low is best for the f200 owners ;)
- Added emulation speed mode: from -75% to + 75 %. Try to play ManicMiner 75% faster and and lives to tell it:)
- Added FPS selector.
- Added VSYNC selector.
- Bug fix saving configuration.
- updated mmuhack
Note: The stereo sound needs more resources, try to change the cpu clock or change the sound mode if you have sound glitches.

Download: gp2xpectrum v1.6

Thanks go to for the news.
Mr 2X said:
Really this was the version that's been renamed 1.5 (final, not beta).
Current ufficial version is 1.5.1:

Indeed. 1.6 was the version that Seleuco put on his version after he finished working on the sound, but I didn't want to skip the 1.5 final release, so we agreed on calling it 1.5 and I repacked and distributed it. Too bad the forum at gp32spain doesn't allow changing a topic's name. :P

I've uploaded the last version 1.5.1 to the archive again, as the current one still has the bug that was fixed by 1.5.1
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so is 1.6 or 1.5.1 ?
confused .. it shows 1.6 in the menu screen
well ..the sound is much better .. improved accuracy over the 1.5b i could say perfect :) AY ABC in "CTEPEO" mode @ 175Mhz
will post a video&sound "capture" tomorrow

..please think on russian models too

thankyou Seleuco / Metalbrain / kounch / GnoStiC / Puck2099 / Hermes
euro48k said:
so is 1.6 or 1.5.1 ?
confused .. it shows 1.6 in the menu screen
well ..the sound is much better .. improved accuracy over the 1.5b i could say perfect :) AY ABC in "CTEPEO" mode @ 175Mhz
will post a video&sound "capture" tomorrow

..please think on russian models too

thankyou Seleuco / Metalbrain / kounch / GnoStiC / Puck2099 / Hermes
The last and best release is 1.5.1 that you can find here:
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euro48k said:
1.7 b1 is latest on gp32spain with TZX support
Yes, it is a test version released for betatesting at the moment.Maybe today will be released a Test 2 version with tap multiloading ;)

EDITED:Test2 RC is out :) Only in spanish sorry :D

1/ Incluido el Tape browser, que permite ver los bloques de la cinta, parar-arrancar la cinta de manera manual, seleccionar bloques y cambiar de cinta sin resetear.

2/ Mejorado el edge loader. Debería detectar mas cargadores.

3/ Mejorado el auto play-stop. Funciona ya para TZX también. Funciona ya el Pang bién .

4/ Mejorada la carga en modo real. Debería cargar cintas largas.

5/ Permite selecionar dentro de un zip el tzx o fichero a cargar.

6/ Las pantalla de seleción de roms se hace mas grande para que quepa mas, ya que los tzx suelen tener nombres largos. Tambén se trunca el nombre del fichero de manera que podamos ver la extensión.

7/ Se incluyen los parches de MetalBrain para el Plus2a

GP2Xpectrum Test 2 - Release Candidate
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euro48k said:
hey fatdad .. how do you organize your folders?
letters ? [A] [C] or genre [Platform] [Adventure] ?
4905 ...

a-z ..i just unzipped all the roms then bunged them all into the 1 folder..then arranged games a-z ..its amazing how many you can fit onto a 256mb card....if the new emulator works i will move them onto a 2gig sd card and load the other 10,395 onto it...might even have enough room for all the free mag games :)
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