personally, I'm fed up with PCs because I always have to make sure things work and I have to fix things when they don't, which is relatively frequent. And yet, here I am with my Gippex, and I'm loving it. It's been frustrating many times (still can't figure out why Quake won't let me overclock with my scripts or why - after trying to overclock so many times - it doesn't even start up normally any longer) but overall, my feelings toward the system remain positive.
Some of that positive attitude comes from looking at the future of this little thingy. The community thrives already, and it's only getting bigger. All the separate competitions are really going to put some nice games on the table (I hope) and the emulators keep getting faster and more reliable.
It's not really cheap, since I have to buy the AC adaptor and the batteries separately, but it's not so expensive it'll cost your shirt, either. Especially with all those games you don't have to pay for. Most of the time playing my Gippex is not spent on emulators, but things like Nethack and the Minigame Project. I also don't have to pay to play games I already own on it. Games like Doom, Quake, Beneath a Steel Sky. All games that plagued my childhood and now plague my travel-time to and from work.
I'm loving every minute of the GP2X, even though my technical expertise is next to none.
(I wouldn't have known what firmware was if I hadn't worked in a photo store, for example. Well, maybe I would. I like Wikipedia, so I'd have found out about it sooner or later.)