Gp2x, Really?

I'd spend lots of time editing and testing stuff on the GP2X and that's what I like about it! Like now, a new firmware will be released in a few days and everyone really wants to know what's changed. It'll only get better every day!
personally, I'm fed up with PCs because I always have to make sure things work and I have to fix things when they don't, which is relatively frequent. And yet, here I am with my Gippex, and I'm loving it. It's been frustrating many times (still can't figure out why Quake won't let me overclock with my scripts or why - after trying to overclock so many times - it doesn't even start up normally any longer) but overall, my feelings toward the system remain positive.

Some of that positive attitude comes from looking at the future of this little thingy. The community thrives already, and it's only getting bigger. All the separate competitions are really going to put some nice games on the table (I hope) and the emulators keep getting faster and more reliable.

It's not really cheap, since I have to buy the AC adaptor and the batteries separately, but it's not so expensive it'll cost your shirt, either. Especially with all those games you don't have to pay for. Most of the time playing my Gippex is not spent on emulators, but things like Nethack and the Minigame Project. I also don't have to pay to play games I already own on it. Games like Doom, Quake, Beneath a Steel Sky. All games that plagued my childhood and now plague my travel-time to and from work.

I'm loving every minute of the GP2X, even though my technical expertise is next to none.

(I wouldn't have known what firmware was if I hadn't worked in a photo store, for example. Well, maybe I would. I like Wikipedia, so I'd have found out about it sooner or later.)
Virtually each day with the GP2X brings something interesting/different/exciting/etc
If you wanna system that brings back that 'bedroom coders' scene, then this is it for me.
Given some time I would love to start coding on it.
[Just wish it had a catchier name though...]
Yes, the GP2x is a great system. It plays emulation as good as that on PC's, sometimes better; and what is also great is that everyone has the same spec of system, so "if it works for you it can work for me". I get a lot of fun playing games on the GP2x, at the detrement of PC games!
kevcal posted on Jul 16 2006 at 08:53 PM said:
[Just wish it had a catchier name though...]
I agree, GP2X is quite a mouthful. Then again, PSP and DS aren't exactly catchy either.
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Genious guys. The guy said he wants classics. Where else should he turn? Does PSP have lots of classics? Is it easier to set up homebrew on PSP? If the GP2X is harder to set up than the GP32, something is terribly wrong. I never had to mess with scripts and LCD tweaking crap with the GP32. Unlike the GP32, GP2X barely even has a organized file system among the programs. Things eventually become disorganized and cluttered on the SD card. Also, there shouldn't be 10+ steps in upgrading the firmware. Not to mention there shouldn't be 10+ threads of people that bricked their GP2X. Homebrew handhelds shouldn't be so tough to configure. Handhelds SHOULD be user-friendly. Scripts and crap CAN be eliminated with user-friendly programs. It's like buying a computer with DOS rather than Windows; unnecessary confusion.
JaqMs posted on Jul 16 2006 at 04:00 PM said:
Genious guys. The guy said he wants classics. Where else should he turn? Does PSP have lots of classics? Is it easier to set up homebrew on PSP? If the GP2X is harder to set up than the GP32, something is terribly wrong. I never had to mess with scripts and LCD tweaking crap with the GP32. Unlike the GP32, GP2X barely even has a organized file system among the programs. Things eventually become disorganized and cluttered on the SD card. Also, there shouldn't be 10+ steps in upgrading the firmware. Not to mention there shouldn't be 10+ threads of people that bricked their GP2X. Homebrew handhelds shouldn't be so tough to configure. Handhelds SHOULD be user-friendly. Scripts and crap CAN be eliminated with user-friendly programs. It's like buying a computer with DOS rather than Windows; unnecessary confusion.

If you have an idea for a menu replacement, please let us in on it. Otherwise you are just making obvious critisisms on a menu system you have never even used.
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If you actually had one instead of making assumptions then you'd know that you don't have to set up a script for everything. I've never set one up and have never had a problem running everything. I have all my files organized great. I have an emulation, roms, games, and apps much more organization do you want? And the LCD tweaking, once again, you show your ignorance - you have to set it once in the settings of the firmware and it's set. You don't have to change it everytime. Firmware install is simple - throw the file in the root of the card and let it autoboot it. What's the big deal? Is that 10+ steps?

Seriously - just go away JaqMs you're constant bashing is not needed here. And if you were around when the GP32 was still being manufactured, then you'd know that the GP32 had it's fair share of bricks also. But you don't seem to mention that, do you? Putz...
BobBorakovitz, it's simple for YOU, but it might seem confusing for many others. Don't you think GPH should have improved upon the faults of the GP2X to make it more user-friendly (ie. harder to brick)?
The gp32 also had other problems that the gp2x has fixed, such as their online registration program. Initially, you couldn't run emus/homebrew code on the gp32 without going to gameparks site, registering your gp32, and then following their (terrible) instructions through a series of processes to use their buggy software to copy freelauncher over to your gp32. I had to do that, and as I was a newb to the scene it was quite a pain. The gp2x seems to be much smoother at the beginning than the gp32 was.

BobBorakovitz, it's simple for YOU, but it might seem confusing for many others. Don't you think GPH should have improved upon the faults of the GP2X to make it more user-friendly (ie. harder to brick)?
They actually did, but I guess you don't know what you're talking about. Check out the new firmware.
JaqMs posted on Jul 16 2006 at 09:23 PM said:
BobBorakovitz, it's simple for YOU, but it might seem confusing for many others. Don't you think GPH should have improved upon the faults of the GP2X to make it more user-friendly (ie. harder to brick)?
It's as easy to brick the GP2X as it is the PSP.
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If you can read & comprehend, then it IS easy to setup. The search button on the forum is also very simple. If you're still stuck, then one can always ask questions. If you don't know how to do any of that.... then I feel sorry for you.

Also, the GP2x is more flexible than the GP32 with reguards to the file system. You're not forced (in most cases) to use a specific folder. I just don't understand your constant negativity. Why don't you try one out before you bash the system relentlessly? It's no harder to set up than a GP32, IMO.

And, yes, I actually have both.
Ok, then if the GP2X is simple to set up, why is everyone telling the OP not to get one?
You'd be surprised how many people don't read files named README.
-He's looking for GBA emulation
-He doesn't seem to like classic games.
-If he's negative before he buys it, he's gonna retain that negativity like you and never like it.
-Because it doesn't sound like he'll be happy without commercial plug-n-play games
-He apparently didn't bother to read enough before starting a topic like "Gp2x, Really?"

Need any more?

I'm not bashing him at all - but, from what I've read in this topic, this system isn't for him.
You have to enjoy the classic games, homebrew, and the community in general to enjoy this system.
JaqMs posted on Jul 16 2006 at 02:47 PM said:
Ok, then if the GP2X is simple to set up, why is everyone telling the OP not to get one?
wtf is an OP?

anyways there telling him not to get one because even if it is easy to setup he doesn't seem to want to figure things out on his own(reading forum/wiki). Most of the questions hes asked have been on the forum more than once and can be found. Some people take that to mean hes not willing to read the setup documentation and look on the forum to find answers if he can't figure it out. This has in the past led to people saying their gp2x is broken, sucks, and is too hard. When if they had read the readme or the wiki or the forum they would have been able to figure it out.

I don't think this means he shouldn't get one but he should be prepared to do these things or be flamed by the people who hate seeing the same questions asked over and over again.
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thetinman posted on Jul 16 2006 at 12:02 PM said:
JaqMs posted on Jul 16 2006 at 04:59 PM said:
craigix posted on Jul 16 2006 at 11:05 AM said:
The GP2X isn't for you. Don't waste your money.
A GP2X distributor detracts potential customers...
i don't know why

See, generally the people who have to ask this many questions because they haven't researched thoroughly before they buy the product are the ones that annoy board members with questions already answered and complaints about difficulty of use and stuff it doesn't do. These people evetually get fed up, and then return the product to the distributor. Since Craig is a distributor, he knows the hassle involving returns, and he'd rather not sell one in the first place than have it returned a short while later.
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JaqMs posted on Jul 16 2006 at 10:00 PM said:
If the GP2X is harder to set up than the GP32, something is terribly wrong. I never had to mess with scripts and LCD tweaking crap with the GP32.
Neither did I with the GP2X, so it's fine.

About the name, you've probably noticed by now that I sometimes refer to it as the Gippex. It's much easier to say and a little faster to type for me. It sounds silly, but so do the names of most successful game systems. Game Gear, Playstation, Wii (which I seem to be alone in liking.), etc etc.
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to me the wii and the ds only have one appealing game, red steel and jump superstars, i'd rather ps3 and psp

and they're right, dont get a gp2x