Gp2x Question


Still Fresh
Aug 2, 2005
Can you move things from the SD card onto the NAND memory? I just got my GP2X today and I'm lovin it but the USB link doesn't work so I'm a bit worried. I'm on Windows XP Pro. PLEase give me any info about using it with windows, I'm a n00b to this system, and plus they gave pretty terrible directions with it.
You can put stuff in the NAND but it is not accessible through the launcher. You have to use scripts.
Initially I could not get the USB to work on XP pro but now it works fine, except for the odd occasion. I think its more a problem with XP that GP. Does Windows actually recognise when the connection is made ? If it appears in device manager but says the device can't start, try uninstalling the mass storge device followed by scan for new hardware. Usually just pressing X and retrying the USB connection at the GP2X end works for me.
That manual is a classic, isnt it ? At least it warns you about the danger of hot batteries :blink:

EDIT: Nice gecko. How long is he ?
Bite the bullet and get a 10$/£ card reader. It saves so much hassle for a small cost and does the job faster as well..
If you follow the advice in the manual and only remove/insert the card when the power is off you have to add the boot up time. ;)
Even if you don't, the time it takes to remove the card, transfer it to your card reader and remount it in the GP cancels out the two seconds or so you might save in file transfer speed. On top of that you are saving wear and tear on your card and card readers. I find the USB 99.9% reliable, only very occasionally it doesn't register and I have to exit then renter the USB mode. For me it is less hassle than using the card reader in my PC.
On the other hand it did not work when I first got it. I have no idea what I did that made it start to work. I fully expect windows to one day decide it can no longer mount it and then I won't know how to get it going again. But until that happens I prefer using the USB.
I'd love for my GP2X to connect via USB even if it is slower than a card reader.

It's a pain in the bum to keep powering off, ejecting, powering back on. I feel like an Ariston.

I eventually got XP to see the GP2X good enough for me to transfer data to the card by

1. disabling the USB2 Enhance Host Controller within XP Device manager
2. formatting the (128MB) SD card (£10 from Tesco BTW), with FAT32 File System (FS), via XP disc Manager. Disc Manager only saw the card but no partition or FS (even though the GP2X could read the files from it).

However, the GP2X could then only see the files and folders in Gibberish.

I eventually had to format the SD card in my digital camera for the GP2X to see the contents of the card again but then XP now only sees the card as a drive with no partition or FS?

And round and round in circles I go.
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I've got an SD card, Kodak 128mb

My gecko is about 7 inches long from lose to end of tail, I've got a blue tongue skink, a kenyan sand boa, another crested gecko like Shadow but without a tail, and a peacock day gecko + a couple dogs and a koi pond! I think I might just like animals :o :P

Guess I'll mess with the device manager thingy on XP, cause I've already filled up my SD card with crud. I was just wondering, but are the gp32 games compatible with the gp2x? I've been wanting to play SmashGP but I never had a GP32. Thx for the helps!
gp32 games aren't compatable with the gp2x. People have talked about making a program that would make them work on the gp2x but I haven't heard anything about that for quite awhile.