Emulator And Sd Card Problems


GP2X User
Oct 20, 2006
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I'll be honest, I'm somewhat of a n00b with the GP2X...

So I don't know alot about this great handheld, with that said heres my problem...

I just finished DL SquidgeSNES and I got my card reader today in the mail, so I could finally put stuff on my SD card and use it on my GP2X, well anyways.

My card reader worked fine, it recognized my card, but it seems that my GP2X won't recognize my card AT ALL.

BTW, the guy I bought it from said it was a 4GB, but my card reader says it only about 968MB...talk about getting ripped off :angry:

Anyways I don't know what to do....

How exactly do I place the emulator and ROM's onto my card?

And just in case my SD card is a lost cause, how do I place it on my NAND memory, just to try out my GP2X for once...

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Ok, connect your GP2X to your PC with a USB cable, switch it on, select setting, select USB, select NAND Mamory. Now Windows should inform you that a new drive has been found and insall it. After a few seconds, you should be able to read and write to the NAND.
Fishbong posted on Oct 26 2006 at 11:23 AM said:
Ok, connect your GP2X to your PC with a USB cable, switch it on, select setting, select USB, select NAND Mamory. Now Windows should inform you that a new drive has been found and insall it. After a few seconds, you should be able to read and write to the NAND.

Ok I have gotten that far before....

Now I know how to use emulators on my PC, but I'm lost on how to make it work with the GP2X....

I get SquidgeSNES on there, but it doesn't go past the first screen(the black one that has the copyright or w.e.) and it just freezes there.

I don't know how to play the actual ROM, it doesnt even show up actually, but the emulator does...

Do you think I'm going to need a new SD card?
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Shikaku posted on Oct 26 2006 at 11:44 AM said:
It freezes probably because your firmware isn't 2.0.0+.

You need to upgrade if so.

Also, read all readmes!!!


Here's a guide to upgrade, and to get started.

It currently 2.0, so its not that....

Thats what it came with when I bought it.

I do read the readmes, but i doesn't help when I can't understand what they're trying to say lol

I just can't figure out where to put the the actual emulator, where to put the ROM's, if they should be in the same folder, or if they should be in a folder at all :/
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readme.txt said:
Choose a directory on your SD card and unpack the archive directly to it. Copy roms into the "roms" directory.
I can't think how to put that any simpler.

Also, I could be wrong but I have a feeling you've been sold a dodgy SD card that isn't gonna work with the GP2x.
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subcon959 posted on Oct 26 2006 at 12:45 PM said:
readme.txt said:
Choose a directory on your SD card and unpack the archive directly to it. Copy roms into the "roms" directory.
I can't think how to put that any simpler.

Also, I could be wrong but I have a feeling you've been sold a dodgy SD card that isn't gonna work with the GP2x.

Yeah I think the SD card I have isn't good...sucks...last time I buy on Ebay.

You see I know it looks simple, its just that I don't understand, I've tried so many things and the emulator just wont work.

SD card or NAND, well at least with the NAND memory it actually shows up on my Gp2x, it just freezes all the time.. <_<

Imma give it another try.....
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I got it to work lol

On the NAND memory that is, I guess I'll have to buy a new SD card :/

But at least I know how to put emulators on this thing...finally...alot easier that I made it out to seem..

But yeah thanks for the suggestions guys :D
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Stick the SD in your GP2X while it's connected to your PC. Does it show up then (like the NAND did)?

Also, have you formatted it?
No Shikaku I haven't done that yet, I'll get to that later....

I got myself into another problem...

When you go into Setting---->>>System...and under NAND it says "Mount on Boot" and "Format".

I accidently choose YES on Format and it seemed to have wiped out all my NAND memory....

Yeah I'm an idiot.

Is there anyway to reverse this? Or get that memory back?

Do I really need that memory?
subcon959 posted on Oct 26 2006 at 04:51 PM said:
It doesn't wipe anything important, just the user area where you can store your own files.

Is there any way to get it back to the way it was?

I can't save any emulators on the NAND memory anymore...
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SiDCrAzY posted on Oct 26 2006 at 10:56 PM said:
subcon959 posted on Oct 26 2006 at 04:51 PM said:
It doesn't wipe anything important, just the user area where you can store your own files.

Is there any way to get it back to the way it was?

I can't save any emulators on the NAND memory anymore...

I think you need to get a card reader that works with >1gb sd cards. That way you could determine for sure if it is your card that is the problem.
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On the manual for the SD reader it says that it DOES work with 1gb SD cards...

Either way I'll be getting another card reader in the mail soon, I just bought that 3 dollar reader you alot of ppl here were recommending.

Does anybody know if and how I can recover the NAND memory?
SiDCrAzY posted on Oct 27 2006 at 01:58 PM said:
Does anybody know if and how I can recover the NAND memory?


I can't seem to save things to it anymore...any suggestions?
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Ok, nevermind I was just being stupid again <_<

I can save stuff again.

I promise I'll get better at this guys :P

Who knows, maybe someday I'll be helping out people with their GP2x.

I can't get any worse thats for sure :lol:

P.S. Shikaku I DL and tried the SD formatter, but my GP2X still won't recognize it, my card reader has no problem with, just my GP2X.

Either way, I just ordered an AT DATA one from Newegg.com, hopefully that one will work.

Also getting a new three dollar card reader, just in case :D