Gp2x Introduction Video

its a promotional video, you dont want to see boot times and loading roms screens in it, people will fall asleep watching you run one emulator, load a rom, play for a few seconds, exit emulator, load another etc just to show what the gp2x is capable of. the video shows a summary of what it can do and not a step by step walkthrough.

its not false promotion or anything, if people purchase something on the basis of a video then they have more money than brains, at least read a few reviews or forums beforehand. the point of promo of what is to get peoples attention so they can then check it out in more depth after.
and another thing i wish people would stop going on about the fucking boot times, install cramfs or something and time it against a PSP booting and loading a game, xbox, ds, or ps2. all of them have boot up and game loading times around the same time if not longer (psp is a perfect example).
techFreak posted on Mar 22 2006 at 08:58 AM said:
TV screen was not flickering actually.. That's because we try to grab the picture from TV with a digital camera.
I may just be being anal here but, yes your TV is flickering I know that and I haven't even looked at the video yet (Damn dialup) all TVs flicker it's how they work. :P
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p00pty2 posted on Mar 23 2006 at 01:47 AM said:
Guyfawkes posted on Mar 22 2006 at 02:34 PM said:
to .Gogeta§§J4BR., told you many times to hold your tongue as your rants always get you in trouble. if you dont like the gp2x why are you still here?

maby he is waiting for the GP2X to improve.

Im with .Gogeta§§J4BR on this one, the video makes the GP2X seem alot better then it really is, Yes the production on the video is half decent , but that doesnt mean the content is any good.

But haven't you noticed that people seem to be extremely slanted towards one bias or another? No one seems to give it a fair trial, they either slag it off or praise the hell out of it. The content is good, you're just being nastily critical. To be honest though, I'd never review the 2x because my bias is slanted towards the positive. I'm not neutural enough.

As for TV flicker, only interlaced TVs flicker. Some new, horribly expensive TV's do not flicker, that's why they call it 'progressive' scan. :)

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Muncher666 posted on Mar 23 2006 at 11:50 AM said:
But haven't you noticed that people seem to be extremely slanted towards one bias or another? No one seems to give it a fair trial, they either slag it off or praise the hell out of it. The content is good, you're just being nastily critical. To be honest though, I'd never review the 2x because my bias is slanted towards the positive. I'm not neutural enough.

As for TV flicker, only interlaced TVs flicker. Some new, horribly expensive TV's do not flicker, that's why they call it 'progressive' scan. :)

I'm pretty nuetral right now... but a video review of a dead unit wouldn't be all that exciting >_>
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I know I haven't been here for a while...
hmm.. Gp2x in Turkey? Fantastic (and I guess very old) news!

is NUMO (or any other gp32 game) work on gp2x?

It's time to create a new game... damn it's 250$+KDV... I need to wait for a discount first...
Arda posted on May 15 2006 at 05:40 PM said:
I know I haven't been here for a while...
hmm.. Gp2x in Turkey? Fantastic (and I guess very old) news!

is NUMO (or any other gp32 game) work on gp2x?

It's time to create a new game... damn it's 250$+KDV... I need to wait for a discount first...

Inta Turki? Tahki Arabi? :huh:
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