"over"clocking Video Playback


Dec 7, 2005

I want to overclock the GP2X when watching video. Is this possible? I've looked though the forums & wiki, but can't seem to find an answer. The problem is that the default video player restores the CPU speed to 200MHz max on start-up. Or am I mistaken?
When you "change the CPU's clock frequency, does that include the video decoder?

why? default video player as well mp2x player both have option to change CPU CLOCK to one of 3 modes 100/166/200 mhz press Y on the file select screen to do that. (At least it is like that in fw 2.0) .Vid decoder which I believe is the second cpu is clocked in par with first cpu.
At 100 mhz 320x240 encoded movie with stereo audio plays flawlessly. I wonder how long will last typical nimh at watching video in save (100mhz) mode...?
Thanks for your replies.
The movie I watched (using TV out) was 608x256, thus playback was not smooth. It is my understanding that with TV out the resolution is not limited to 320×240, that's why I didn't want to resize the video.
The power consumption was 0.8A (3V) @ 200MHz with TV out decoding this video, but when using TV out I connect the GP2X to a adapter anyway. I wouldn't like it going above 1A though.
But this is why I want to overclock the GP2X when watching video. I hope this is possible.