Gp2x - F200b - Cradle


Still Fresh
Jun 26, 2007
Sorry if this has been answered (couldnt find it in the search's) .. Just got the Cradle for the F200 today and I must say, slightly disapointed ..... but it will do ;) ..... I'm a lil disapointed that I had to open the F200 up to take out the rubber protective pad on the bottom ext port (i'd rather not cut those things off in case I change my mind later on) ..... for some reason, I have to 'manuver' the unit just to get it to seat inside the cradle.... and WTF with hiding the power button ;) .... when cradled, the power button is about 3/4 hidden ...... what they should of done, was to have a 'slot' for acess to the power button....... now that I'm done reviewing it :) ... have a question for all of you that have the cradle....

* When I turn it on, the cradle has a 'red' power indicator that is lit.... is this normal ?

* For those that have external hard drives, do you need the A/C cradle adapter in order to use it? and does your HDD need a external power source? (I have 2 USB drives that get their power from the USB ports on the computers)

* Lastly, this didn't come with an A/C power supply and try finding a 'US" version of the power supply is almost impossible :) .. so if anyone has a make / model and place they got theirs ( I don't mind going to radio shack, but down here these clowns want part ##'s .. isnt like the old radio shacks I use to go to ) ...

Thanks and sorry for the long post.....
agreed: blocking power switch and usb port is pure GPH genius (AKA idiocy)

red power light is a-ok, it means the cradle is receiving power from the '2x

if your ext HDD is not powered, you will need to power the cradle

I use my dlink DUB-HY USB 2.0 Hub's power supply... works fine, the specs for the PSU are on another thread and I can't be bothered to search anymore than you, mwhahaa!
LOL Goober :P :P ..... guess I'll go searching hehhehhe Tks for your inputs bro...... I have a 3.5" external HDD with its own power supply.. but when I used it, it would not show up in the EXT file structure... no files where found... I'll have to mess with it some more.. Just wanted to make sure it was working... also any suggestions on getting a 'clear' picture on my 52" LCD TV? Seems to be very 'pixly' (sp) .. on the TV.... .tks again man ..

btw man since your the 'answer man' ...... :) .... do you have a universal controler you recommend (USB) ... i'm more of a console person so I'll be playing a lot of MAME, CPS2, NeoGeo, FPS, etc..... and on the Dlink page, there is no DUB-HY ... would it happen to be a differnt model number by chance? Thanks man ..
To power the gp2x cradle, the official gp2x adaptor should be best solution, in the manual it says use the official gp2x adaptor.
iCeD00D yeah haven<t played much with ext HDDs so I cannot tell.

it's a DUB-H4 Actualy... btw Dlink are known for havnig different product names in US/Canada... I am in Canada so it might be a different name for you.

As for the screeno n your 52", I would forget about it. IIRC the GP2X outputs at 320x240 (same as the built-in screen) so of course it's going to look stretched on a 52" TV, because it is =)

As for the controler, for everything from my PC to my GP2X, nothing beats a Playstation 2 Controller with a smartjoy USB adapter (this being the only sony product I would ever buy, with the exception of headphones)
Thanks man .. I bought a DUB-H4 yesterday on Ebay so it should be here soon.. Totally forgot about the output specs so that makes sense now... :P ..... and as for the controller, Radio Smack did not have any USB adapters so I bought a Logitech USB controller and seems to work good .. I just have to figure out how to configure it with CPS2 .... Tks for the info ...
XCen -- Dood you rox! The hub came in today along with my 120GB WD passport USB 2.0 and let me tell you, when its hooked up to the NeoGeo roms are accessed even faster... ;) and now that I have power, I don't have to worry about draining my batteries...... I owe you a beer next time i'm in Canada ... :P ..
Hehe that's what i get for typing so fast..... what I ment was now that I got the PSU for the cradle I wont be wasting batteries on my USB devices.... Now to find a PSU for the GP2X....
I ordered one of these myself today (last one on ebay...can't seem to find them in stock anywhere) after the interface board deal I had with someone fell through. I already prepped myself and opened the F200 to remove the rubber cover myself as well. Hope I had good luck with it, as I really want to take advantage of some USB peripherals. Thanks for the cradle info...I can't wait!
xcen said:
haha np =)

in my experience, I had to plug in two power supplies, one in the '2x and one in the cradle... just powering the cradle doesn't power the '2x...

did you manage to have that working or am I just misreading your post?
I'm waiting for mine too.
What a stupid design from GPH ! It is so stupid that the cradle can't power the GP2x !

Did some of you checked the use of any USB paddle or joystick with it ?
I wonder how to configure it, under PC-based emulators, the emulator often provide a control buttons assignment panel...
But on the GP2x, emulator seem to be configured the "hard way" to use only the GP2x buttons... Am I wrong ?
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