Gp2x F-200 And Amiga Games

foleyjo said:
If you want to play PSP games as well then get the PSP.
If you just want emulation go for the GP2X (maybe with a cradle) or wait for the Pandora
It will be for emulation only, just want to make the right choice.
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Gonzouk said:
foleyjo said:
If you want to play PSP games as well then get the PSP.
If you just want emulation go for the GP2X (maybe with a cradle) or wait for the Pandora
It will be for emulation only, just want to make the right choice.

Well, the GP2X and Pandora screen resolutions are better for emulation, because most 16-bit and under systems have resolutions around 320x240. The GP2X's resolution is 320x240, and the Pandora's is 800x480 (a multiple of 320x240, plus some more space on the sides). The PSP's screen resolution (480 x 272) doesn't fit very well, and means that either you'll be using a pretty small part of the screen or there'll be some ugly upscaling.

On the other hand, the PSP's PlayStation emulation is much better than the GP2X's (but some other simpler systems aren't emulated so well).

The best handheld for emulation will be the Pandora (good screen, good emulation of systems likely up to the N64), but it will also be the most expensive one.
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Perhaps a photo showing the Pandora, GP2X and PSP in a vertical line one above the other should do it.


+ Pandora +

+ GP2X +

+ PSP +
There have aready been a number of videos showing size comparisons, the latest one with a real Pandora alongside a DS!

I must admit though, I didn't quite "get" the size of some other gadgets until I saw them with my own eyes. Like the EeePC, and the latest iPod Nano. Once they were in front of me, the gearlust set in. I'd even misjudged the size of the GP2X until it arrived in the mail (that turned out to be a pleasant surprise).
Gruso said:
There have aready been a number of videos showing size comparisons, the latest one with a real Pandora alongside a DS!

I must admit though, I didn't quite "get" the size of some other gadgets until I saw them with my own eyes. Like the EeePC, and the latest iPod Nano. Once they were in front of me, the gearlust set in. I'd even misjudged the size of the GP2X until it arrived in the mail (that turned out to be a pleasant surprise).

So I guess at this moment in time it would be the GP2x, but as the Pandora is on it's way soon, it would be worth waiting? Has the GP2X f200 been out long.

I also have an old laptop which could do all this, so I ask myself why spend all this money on a Pandora? I think it's the fact you can just pick up and play. Can the GP2x and Pandora be set up so the games are instantly playable so you don't need to set the games up every time?
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The Pandora sounds great so far, and i'm sure it will be awesome when its released. BUT, the gp2x still has its place. There are a lot of awesome systems that the gp2x can emulate right now, and most of the emulators are very mature. Some of the best emulators available anywhere for a lot of these systems. I do plan to eventually pick up a Pandora, but I can see myself still using my gp2x a lot. If I just want to play some PC Engine/NES/C64/etc. on the train, i'd probably just throw the 2x in my pocket and call it a day.
grahf said:
The Pandora sounds great so far, and i'm sure it will be awesome when its released. BUT, the gp2x still has its place. There are a lot of awesome systems that the gp2x can emulate right now, and most of the emulators are very mature. Some of the best emulators available anywhere for a lot of these systems. I do plan to eventually pick up a Pandora, but I can see myself still using my gp2x a lot. If I just want to play some PC Engine/NES/C64/etc. on the train, i'd probably just throw the 2x in my pocket and call it a day.

For a first time buyer though i'm just wondering maybe its worth saving a bit more for the Pandora. I hope it can do Amiga AGA.

I remember I had a game called Exile, just amazing! although many keyboard functions. I don't have the instructions anymore and have no idea where to get them from :(
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craigix said:
Gah all these size comparison pics and videos and people still think it's huge!

You need to put out an actual size printable jpeg for people to see the size or try this site ;)
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Gonzouk said:
Aki said:
Gonzouk said:
fishybawb said:
It's the keyboard that does it I think - people see that and just assume it's Eee sized. Perhaps pictures of a Pandora in someones pocket might help the more clueless, along with the tagline "Is that a Pandora in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?". Hmm, maybe not.
When's it out to buy and how much will it likely to be?

Answer to those and more on the homepage:
Also check out

Somebody just showed me the PSP, it had C64, Megadrive, SNES running really well, didn't see MAME and saw turrican 2 on it which was quite good, just a little slow down. Now I don't know which one to get and I bet this question has been asked millions of times. Either a second hand PSP off ebay or a new gp2x F200 and double the cost.

It has now been asked 1,000,001 times. :-) If you google for gp2x videos or go even go to to the gp2x wiki, you'll have nearly all of your questions answered.
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Until very recently I owned a GP2X, a PSP and a Nintendo DS and being a complete Amiga addict I was also very interested in seeing which handheld was best at emulating an Amiga.

I realise this is a GP2X forum but I'm sorry to say that the PSP achieved slightly better framerates for most games I played on the Amiga emulator. The screen was the main disadvantage - not the emulation speed.