Gp2x Dead?

I hate the fact that you guys are so protective of the gp2x name. what do you care if someone talks bad about it, if theyaren't able to enjoy it then that's their own fault.

Besides, i only said it sucks in hope to start a flame wa out of boredom. gp2x is awesome

PSP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GP2X :-)
Glad to see that the GP2X is even getting the attention of it's most "intelligent" detractors :blink: ... I must say that I find this topic highly amusing, I've been playtesting Driver ( PSX ), I've also tried a couple of other PSX games, I've tested a whole load of ScummVM based games, also been trying UAE4all ( melikes my old Amiga games ) and, I'm checking a little homebrew stuff whilst studying how to create my own RPG for GP2X ( a project initially started on Amiga )... No, this machine is not intended for brainless people, it's main aim is certainly not emulation ( though it's great at it ), this machine was meant to provide the user with "nearly" full control over it.

Where do all the GP2X detractors get their info from ?, the statistics are incredible !!! :blink: :D , nice attempt at flaming though, at least you seem reasonably inept for even that. B)
Ok Azure. I do not really like playing 8-16 bit classics. Therefore, it would be a waste if I got a GP2X.

BTW, I don't like the GP2X's stick (Quite honestly the worst stick I've ever used), but I'm gradually getting used to its stiffness.

Now I DEFINATELY am not going to get one.
ive only come back from work
and cant be bothered to read what everyone else wrote
but please, some guy done the same post a few weeks ago
and here we are again
why are people bothering to write responses, ignore the people who start these topics.
Everyone that goes on this forum often will know the gp2x is growing everyday...
anyway, you should all go watch a start wars film and cool down
I hate the fact that you guys are so protective of the gp2x name. what do you care if someone talks bad about it, if theyaren't able to enjoy it then that's their own fault.
I have no problem with someone saying "Well, I don't really care for it. It's not my thing." Not everybody is into the same things, that's not a big deal. When someone comes in looking to stir up shit and crapping all over something that we all enjoy to make themselves feel good, that person is an asshole and they need to stfu and gtfo.
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Ok Azure. I do not really like playing 8-16 bit classics. Therefore, it would be a waste if I got a GP2X.

BTW, I don't like the GP2X's stick (Quite honestly the worst stick I've ever used), but I'm gradually getting used to its stiffness.

Now I DEFINATELY am not going to get one.
Sounds fine to me.
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if you want boreing "cool" "modern" games, get a psp, if you want to play classic type games get a ds, if you want to replay the great old classics and other stuff get a gp2x, i got both and im happy.

If you have to ask yourself "psp or gp2x" the answer is probably psp couse when you compared them you prove that you dont understand about the powers of gp2x.
On a side note: Is the stick really that terrible Azure?

you can play with it. it is usable. the stick is not really precise. it is a question of habituation. but in the nearest future it is possible to change the stick against the d-pad of the N-GageQD. that would solve all problems. ;)
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How could GPH themselves not realize that the GP2X's joystick sucks? At least with GP32, it takes years for the joystick/buttons to deteriorate. And even then, they were fixable enough to be comfortably useable.
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very simple, itsd basicialy opening > pulling off old stick > putting the adapter thingee on > modify case (?) > close

at least thats how i heard its done.