Gp2x Dead?

im sorry but this is pish, i aint got round to getting a gp2x but come on this scene is propper kicking ass!

no way is it anywhere near dead, heck gp32 is still hanging in there.
Are you programming directly to the hardware or through an API (fenix, SDL)?

Side note: Craigix is selling First Editions in the MarketPlace at £85 each.

GP32 SDK. Though I may just make a game, it might evolve into a full-blown GCS (Game Creation System), in which you can create games WITH the GP32.
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Interesting. Would you release the source code so that someone else can port it to the GP2X? If so, I make a mental note to ask you when the time comes.
The reason we can't just use a D-pad is because it is patented, you can't just steal other peoples ideas like that.

BUT, patented by who? Because it seems to me that the design (for the most part) has been used by Nintendo, Sega, NEC, Nokia, and a few others. Did they all pay some kind of royalty to the original patentee for use in the design? And besides, all of these "10,000 games in one" devices I have purchased in the past from Korea and such do use D-Pads...but I guess if you want to be a legit company you would follow patent laws of course. Such a shame tho.
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Nintendo. They have a patent for the classic cross shape d pads, Sega, Sony, nokia all use variants (circle shaped, etc).
Nintendo. They have a patent for the classic cross shape d pads, Sega, Sony, nokia all use variants (circle shaped, etc).

Dreamcast used a cross-shaped D-pad, so I'm not sure how it's possible that they are able to use it if, indeed, Nintendo has a patent on that particular shape of D-pad.
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That is when the community has surely gone under.
Man - you're just telling it like it is... a straight shooter. You must be a fucking psychic - seeing into the future is easy ain't it... Why don't you take a gander at the PSP site and tell me what you see...

Look at the Homebrew updates... they are all scripts. OOOHHH, MAN! Now I can have an application that creates a PLAYLIST FOR ME... HOT DAMN THIS HOMEBREW SCENE IS TAKIN' OFF!

Dare I say what I just saw...? A theme on the front page? Sweet jesus, call the police - we hot a hot news subject!

In retrospect, GP2X SUCKS compared to the GP32.

I am under the impression you don't even own one. Your entire argument is that... "OMG NOT AS GOOD AS GP32 OR PSP lOLOLOLOLOLOL," which couldn't be further from the truth. Wouldn't you rather have applications that run faster? Wouldn't you rather have the new wave of games that will eventually be released for it? The device has been available for a mere ~9 months, it takes a long time to spread the name of a product, get developers interested, and have them develop content for it. Do you know how long it takes to design a concept, code an engine, create content for that engine, shape it up, and finally debug it? I didn't think so... and if you did, you sure aren't being understanding as to why there isn't much original content out there. Hell, Vektar is one of the more original designs of any homebrew... as far as gameplay goes. So why don't you sit back in your high-chair while mommy feeds you some more babyfood.

Now, everyone knows about the GP2X and it was originally made to be homebrew-friendly. Yet, the GP2X releases are sparse and completely focused on emulators and useless files (ie. bootsounds and skins).

You have to be kidding me... I dare you to talk to practically any developer... or well... anyone for that matter about the GP2X... they wouldn't have the slightest clue what it was. This device is not as popular as the mainstream POS that they market today. You also speak about emulators as if they are a bad thing. I love them... sure, would I like some more variety... yeah... but I'm not expecting it to come right away. Emulators have to design the program... not the content - the content is provided... so in one aspect, they could be developed faster than a well-made homebrew application.

You're on the top of my "most ignorant" list, so consider yourself done.

[edit] typed the wrong number. :D
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Has it only been 7 months? Here was I thinking it'd been double that :blink:

For any handheld device, and I mean even the mainstream ones like the DS or PSP, it doesn't really take off until the second year. A bit of dabbling, understanding how to code, take advantage of the specs and tricks developers are coming up with - it takes at least a full year before new developers get comfortable with it surely? The GP32 wasn't even originally meant for homebrew right? and look how much content is available for that now - and we've got a machine that's homebrew friendly straight out of the box, with a better design, more power, more memory, and quite a lot more functionality - how could it possibly do worse?

There are already 3 games in development I absolutely can't wait for (Triple Triad, GP2X-Sand and War Chaos), who knows what's just around the corner? Not every developer likes to talk about their projects until they're finished ;)
But in what way is everyone considering a system "taking off"? Of course that could mean a ton of retail games becoming available, but I think that some people are not understanding the GP2X standpoint. If some retail games come out from some developers, cool. BUT, this handheld is meant for homebrew and emulation....I would lean more to the latter. I know I surely made my purchase for emulation, as did many others that post here...and to see THAT progress is where the GP2X is "taking off" in my eyes. In short, if you purchased the GP2X for a slew of retail game releases (or to start seeing games someday soon on the shelves at Walmart), well, you are in the wrong arena.
Has it only been 7 months? Here was I thinking it'd been double that :blink:

I actually mean't to say 9 months, the scene has been around for a longer time. Didn't it get it's first "release" in November?

Probably - I only heard of it by word of mouth and eventually caved in and bought one. Even 9 months is a pretty short time, i'm quite suprised there is as much as there is in such a short space, but I supose if you discount ports and emulation, it is just a tad bit lacking in meaty game content - still hoping on that RTS...
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As for the "No Homebrew" comment that he made - has he even bothered to open the threads of the various homebrew games.

War Chaos


Legends Of Idhuriel


Not to mention Vektar, and other fun games like ArmorCity and such. There is a surprising amount of support for this device, and the list is growing. If you don't like it - get out. For a community you love to insult, you sure do stick around a while, don't you.
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Ok, I understand. I guess I'll have to get the GP2X in a year and a half. But one difference is GP32 did not have COMPLETELY USELESS uploads such as 2 second wav sounds and skins that are worthy of front page news.
What I find funny is that there are all these great skins and yet I can't find anyone to do level design for me. For my homebrew game.

Which you would have found, had you been following the scene.
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About the "playing emus 10 seconds" comment, the GP2X is a treasure of RPG's. I am not a nostalgic gamer, thus sonic isn't really such a grand dip in the past (though I can play Earthworm Jim anytime, anywhere), but man, the RPG's, they're awesome...

I had to stop myself playing Lufia at 4 am last night.
I played ZELDA 2 on the GP32 for over 7 hours one night.

I once sped through Super Mario Bros for the NES as fast as I could and it still took me 7 minutes. (So I died a couple times, so what?)

Pacman is a good one for quick games, can polish off three lives in like 10-20 minutes.

A good game of hang-on (while tough with the 2X stick) can be over fairly quick, if you're not shifting well enough. (Especially if the screen is reflecting any other lights behind your head, ARGH!)

If UAE4ALL gets to the point where there can be more than 1 meg of memory and playing Settlers is possible, I might have to keep my 2X locked up or I'll be playing that for weeks, months or even years.