Gp2x Crap Games Competition

if someone could be craptastic enough to cross compile this for me...
i'll send them a polo mint (again, uk entrants only ;) )
i broke my toolchain and it takes best part of a day to rebuild on this turbo gaming rig of mine :)
its a guessing game featuring...
no graphics
no sound
some text
4 buttons

enjoy (or not)
Just submitted my entry 'Car Counter 2007'. Features eight hours of brain stimulating gameplay and realistic car graphics and sound. Its teh bollocks! :)


I will wait for nickspoon to add the entry to his site then you can all suffer together :)
woogal posted on Dec 29 2006 at 10:03 AM said:
jmetal88 posted on Dec 29 2006 at 02:40 AM said:
What were the results of the GP32 CGC anyway? I had an entry in that.

EDIT: Just found the old web page:

Looks like no results have been announced yet?
Yeah, sorry about that. Meant to sort out a winner but kept forgetting. Then my gp32 was out of action for quite a while. I seem to remember Goity's Pigeon Killer was a strong (or should that be weak) contender.

Anyway, back to this compo. Any chance the rule on no interpreters can be relaxed? Fenix is cut out with that rule, and people seem to be able to create stunning examples of crap with fenix. It also stops me doing an entry with CACK :(.
Fuck ya!

If I'm allowed to use fenix I'm gonna enter Hitler Hitler Dance!
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Guyfawkes posted on Dec 29 2006 at 04:40 PM said:
brain stimulating gameplay
and thats when it looked like the toffee crisp kissed you goodbye,
but 8 hour game play with no save state and 4 hour battery life is just fiendishly cunning, respect ;)
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Looks the bollox right enough Guyfalkes. Any chance of 4 sneak previews before its actually finished?

Im going to enter with Ping. And Im giving no details here as I know someone will steal my idea.
Its already finished, coded it over a couple of hour period this afternoon in between other stuff. I submitted it to nickspoon earlier so up to him when he wants to release it, I don't want to spoil my chances of the toffee crisp by releasing it beforehand :)
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 29 2006 at 01:54 AM said:
Too bad I cant program.

I think that means you'll probably win - particullarly if you can't draw, or write music as well. :P
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I would agree, however i cant even write one line of code :(

If I could code at all, I would surely enter (and win im sure). I would make the most craptacular game!

Oh well, judging is the next best thing. And to answer everyone's question: Yes, I accept bribes :P