
Mar 5, 2003
Toronto, Canada
It's kind of funny, but if you look at you'll see that about half of the links/pictures on the main page call the GP2X the GPX2.

Confusing for newcomers, no? :P That's most likely because half of the site is taken directly from Gamepark Holdings from it was still called the GPX2.
Oh, we built the site so long ago now some stuff got left over from the name change, if you tell me where they are I can fix them :)
OrR posted on Sep 26 2005 at 06:53 PM said:
GP40 posted on Sep 26 2005 at 07:57 PM said:
I fcan only see:- (on the right)

Can I ask you a q pls Craig? I just want to know if the 2x has a clock battery? If so I'll investigate the idea of a little computer people type game :)
I am pretty sure there is a built in clock.
"Real Time Clock
This chapter describes the built-in "human time" clock (hours, minutes, seconds). It's a farly standard clock, has a resolution of 1/1024 second and a built-in alarm which, instead of triggering a buzzer, signals the CPU so it can take whatever action you program in. There are also some advanced features but I doubt they're used in the gp2x." From the Chipset docs.
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OrR posted on Sep 26 2005 at 12:32 PM said:
I guess so, can't imagine how else it would work...
Actually, I suspect not; there was no mention in the docs of the clock being battery backed. The main function of the real-time clock is to keep time in a human-usable format (the other clocks the chip maintains are for USB, display timing, etc, which operate at very high frequencies that make them unusable for a "wall clock") and to have an alarm that can be programmed to go off at a given time.

If you want to use the gp2x as a reminder, I suspect the recommended way will be to program the alarm, then put the gp2x in a battery-saving suspend mode that switches most of the systems off, and when the alarm goes off then come out of power saving.

Mind you, all this depends a lot on how the gp2x is wired together. If the power button cuts power to the batteries, then it will be as I suspect. If it's a "soft-off" button, then the main batteries could indeed be running the clock even if the device is "switched off". Problem is, you then have the problem you have with PDAs, which drain their batteries even when they're "off". Since GPH has said that the gp2x is not a PDA, I suspect it will be the former (cutting power at the batteries)
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Well, unless you wire a battery to keep the clock on, of course... but that requires some hardware modding. Which is more than I'm intending to do tbh.
unpowered RTC, mmm im begining to think that the GP2x is gonna get old real fast a lot quicker than the GP32 did, no wifi, no bluetooth, no RTC one SD slot, no 3D chip,no mic lets hope the DUAL processor is all its being hyped to be.

and no touchscreen

edit:removed a comment about DaveC. Apologies Dave
Actually DaveC's been fairly gung ho about the unit, overall, but a couple of the features just haven't jibed with all his wishes for the unit is all. He's still a very big fan of the upcoming system.

I think the GP2X will be a vast success just going by what I've seen and heard of it so far. And the fact that the processors are the same type as the GP32 and that most of the members here have thrown their full weight behind it just gives me more reason to be very optimistic about it's success also.

*starts ripping his anime from DVD for watching on the 2x*
does anyone know whhen its comming out (if it isnt already and i dont know?)cuz dats a nice piece of hardware!!
Goemon4 posted on Sep 27 2005 at 12:55 AM said:
does anyone know whhen its comming out (if it isnt already and i dont know?)cuz dats a nice piece of hardware!!

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