GP cinema and custom firmware...


Still Fresh
Nov 19, 2003
Sorry, this is probably a complete n00b question, but i've heard about gp cinema not working with custom firmware...

Does this affect all custom firmware?

I am running multifrimware, so i have GP's fw1.57e++, pacrom v0.31b and wind-ups v0.9+ available to me. JoyGp would only let me register my G32 when using fw1.57e++. Maybe i have to register under official firmware though for the download to work?

So many questions, so few answers :-)
Thanks for your help.

As long as you load GP's fw1.57e++ from the multi firmware menu then GPCinema works fine, you just wont be able to open it via WindUps
Does this affect all custom firmware?

[->] not necessarily.

I am running multifrimware, so i have GP's fw1.57e++, pacrom v0.31b and wind-ups v0.9+ available to me. JoyGp
would only let me register my G32 when using fw1.57e++.

[->] fw1.57e++ if you don't want to have unwanted results.

Maybe i have to register under official firmware though for the download to work?

[->] yes.

So many questions, so few answers :-)
Thanks for your help.


[->] And before someone asks why here we go.. Pacrom reports PDUID incorrectly when the registration client queries it. Same for the pclink on the multifw.. and finally Windups does not even contain required functionality.

My 0.00000002 cents (that's generally enough)
Some mumbling added to the quoted part..
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Maybe i have to register under official firmware though for the download to work?

[->] yes.
Thanks for the explaination but does this mean that you can register with fw1.57e++ but to download software from JoyGP you need to flash back to the factory firmware??? Or are you referring to fw1.57e++ as the "official" firmware.

Sorry if this I'm confused but I've never used JoyGP and want to (Using multifw also)



ps. multifw is wicked, I swear by it. dang!
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fw1.57e++ is essentially a copy of the original, if not a direct copy...

but anyway, yeah JoyGP accepts registration from it, and GPCinema works from it.

All is well :D

(it's just a shame i can't run GPCinema from wind-ups)