Google Stadia

Is Google Stadia the future of gaming?

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My Internet isnt the best, Youtube in 1080p 60 works, but not every time, its still better than some years ago, where 100 mb where a half hour, but i dotnt think Stadia would work for me,
But i have a XBOX ONEX, a Switch and hopefully soon a Pyra, so enought to Play for me, even if i have to deinstall somethimes stuff from the XBOX because i want to install other stuff..

Some of the Games on XBOX are more than 100 gb, and this thing only have a 1000gb Storage..

So this isnt a bad thing if you can have your Games on the Stadia Server, and you only need a Device that ditnt take that much Power than the XBOX X,
But you need a good Internet Connection, whyle you can play lots of the Games from the XBOX also Offline..
Unless you're really concerned about the state of your wiring, it doesn't seem to matter much whether the power is in your house or some wired up shipping container owned by google to me.

Although it's perfectly arguable that the google servers are probably running multiple instances of each game on each cpu in their systems, and you don't really have to worry about boot costs or idle costs with these sorts of machines. And I'm honestly not sure how to measure what it takes to stream megabytes of data down copper and fibreoptic cables.

It amuses me somewhat how some people who are enjoying the stadia enthuse that it's a blessed relief to not have to wait for updates, or installation times. I quite agree, which is why I stopped buying games half way through the xbox360 generation. It's how gaming used to be until publishers got quite so greedy and lazy. Maybe I should get a switch though, it seems to be less of a problem on that system.
It amuses me somewhat how some people who are enjoying the stadia enthuse that it's a blessed relief to not have to wait for updates, or installation times. I quite agree, which is why I stopped buying games half way through the xbox360 generation. It's how gaming used to be until publishers got quite so greedy and lazy. Maybe I should get a switch though, it seems to be less of a problem on that system.

If you buy the game online you have to wait for the download to finish ... ;)
But normally you don't have to. At least every game is playable without and you can always download things later or automatically during the night.
And even if you have to, the files are much smaller than on PC and it won't take too long to finish.

BTW: The Switch has one huge advantage over PC. It's standby mode.
Why do I play Skyrim on Switch and not on PC (I even own the PC and never played it)?
Playing on my gaming Laptop:
1. Place Laptop near TV, plug in the cables
2. Boot Windows (Yes, I'm playing on Windows)
3. Start Steam
4. Klick through Big Picture Mode and start the game
(And play on the great but unfamiliar Steam Controller)
-> It's a pain to start games

Playing on the Switch:
1. Turn on TV
2. Press the Switch Power button
3. Press "A" on the Switch Pro controller
-> It takes seconds to start Playing

Stadia might be between the two.
I still would need to wire the Laptop and boot my Laptop and start Stadia and select the game (so many "and"s. Doesn't sound comfortable).
The only thing that will be faster is loading the game.
But the rest is still a pain to do.
And don't forget that I can't play when the stupid router is broken again or the internet is down. Steam has at least an offline mode.
After a stressful day at work that made me pretty angry as when I wanted to play online games.

Switch clearly wins for me ;)
Yeah, I don't really buy games online, apart from a few GOG processes to get game data to run on my pandora, or a few games on my 3DS that never got a retail release. The vast majority of my 3DS collection is in carts, and while they're not always on hand, I'm generally playing one or two games at a time so that's not a problem.

Regarding stadia, the coverage I've seen thus far is mostly based around using a chromecast. I don't know how fast those boot up, but they're always there plugged in at the back, and just a button push away.
Chromecast is always on, you just hit a couple of controller buttons are you are in. Overall the Stadia is a pretty sweet experience. As said before, doesn't replace things, but is a nice addition for me. Waiting to see if there are any Black Friday game sales today.
Just messing around on my GPD Win trying out some Stadia games, recorded a minute of Rise of the Tomb Raider, arkwardly, on my mobile, for anyone that maybe interested.

It runs well, although it feels a little off, the input feels a bit laggy to me vs Chromecast or playing on desktop or laptop. The analog sticks on the GPD Win whilst okay aren't amazing, so that maybe part of it too. All that taken into account, it is still pretty cool to see. This is a first edition original GPD Win by the way.

Be interesting to see on Pyra (would require VP9 esque video decoding and decent WiFi).
But it doesn’t solve the issue of the win whit the Updates at times you need the Handheld..
)a reason why I don’t use it anymore as EDC Handheld..

But cool to see this works,
And instead of the build in Gamepad, it should also work whit the the Xbox One Bluetooth Pad also
For Rise of the Tomb Raider, it is a little bit awkward as R3 activates survival mode (so you can see interactable objects in the world more easily, to hint what you need to do, etc.) and as the sticks aren't clickable you instead have to push a key on the right-hand side of the keyboard. I did have a (very quick!) look at changing the controls, but I couldn't actually see a way to do this (this was whilst playing the game, going into options/controls/etc). Not sure if I just missed it, or if it is something not available (in the Stadia version at least)! I suspect it should be possible to have a nice mapping without R3, as the first TR in the reboot only uses R3 to run, and this version has run automatic based on the analogue stick. It is something I will look into a bit more when I have a chance. If nothing else xmapper (or something similar) will probably allow me to work out some sort of solution.

With regards to gamepads, yes the GPD Win probably works with external pads, it also does HDMI out, so there are a few options. But my preferred use case with handhelds, where possible, is just to use them 'as is' so you don't have to take other pieces of equipment around with you. I find the GPD Win sticks okay for large movements, but things like aiming, or lining up tricky jumps they don't feel great.

With regards to Windows updates: they certainly exist, but the 'big ones' aren't so regularly are they? I actually don't know the exact intervals but isn't like every 6 months or so they highly encourage you to accept their latest greatest update? I know the Creators Edition update for Windows 10 was meant to cause problems on the GPD Win, however, I didn't get it until a long whilst after it had launched, and it went smooth for me.

I haven't bothered even trying Stadia on Pandora, the WiFi is so poor it has zero chance of running. I did have a USB Wifi Dongle, but to be honest, that was never particularly amazing. I'm also not sure the Pandora would be able to handle the video decoding.
I just had a bad experience: Wanted the GPD Win to play some tetris whyle I waited, but it went to an update, which was quite impractical as you don’t want to put this thing back in your pocket whyle it’s updates..
Sounds about right; I suspect they'll be a way to force updates not to run; but I haven't personally done that, normally Windows nags for a while it has an update, so once I see that, I wait a little while for problems to be sorted out, then apply the update.
The Win10 box in this house only downloads patches during runtime. It only applies them when you try to shutdown the box. It's not my boxen so I dunno how it's been configured exactly, but I'd expect it be to close to default.
should be possible to have a nice mapping without R3, as the first TR in the reboot only uses R3 to run, and this version has run automatic based on the analogue stick

I'm playing RotTR on PC with a gamepad, but I have to use R3 to run fast, didn't had a look at the config, I'm using the default one.
With the analog I just go from walk to run normal.
I'm playing RotTR on PC with a gamepad, but I have to use R3 to run fast, didn't had a look at the config, I'm using the default one.
With the analog I just go from walk to run normal.

True; I only found out yesterday there was the dash button to run fast - seems like something that I could live without on GPD Win if there wasn't a nice way to bind it. Did you notice the ability to customize the controls on a game pad? I assume you are playing the non-Stadia version?
True; I only found out yesterday there was the dash button to run fast - seems like something that I could live without on GPD Win if there wasn't a nice way to bind it. Did you notice the ability to customize the controls on a game pad? I assume you are playing the non-Stadia version?

I can't see any option to redefine controls... even just for mouse/keyboard... but I'm playing on Steam, and if it has a good thing is the way it manages the controllers, here is possible to redefine them outside from the game.
In this site is written there is an option for K+M redefinition for PC, but I don't have it in the Steam version. I'm using a gamepad anyway, it's a pain to play with K+M, this game is not optimized to use them in the best way...

I suppose you don't have access to game files from Stadia, anyway I had a look at the ones that have the game configuration, and I don't see parameters related to controllers definitions.
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Seems pretty odd to me - not that it really matters, I am probably around 2/3rd of the way through RotTR and will likely complete it before I pick up my GPD Win again. I am playing more games at a faster pace now I have a Stadia, as I get the best part of my lunch hour each day and normally around an hour in the evening between other jobs at home (vs before where gaming would be in longer chunks, but less frequently).