Goldeneye 64 on 1GHZ Pandora


I am a banana!
Jan 31, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hi All,

Probably a good time to start bringing out those nice videos of games that you would never have imagined playing on the Pandora at a decent framerate.

Now this game I am testing is one of the best selling games of all time for the Nintendo 64, Goldeneye 64.

I had to change some of the default settings as they weren't quite right. Firstly had to change the frame render rate from 2 to 1 as it was affecting all games and skipping every second frame or so.. affecting lots of games like Goldeneye, Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie. I also changed the maximum allowance for Frameskip from 3 to 2. While doing a lot of testing and stuff for Daedalus we had discovered that 2 is the highest / most stable frameskip you can use.

I'll let you be the judge of this one.

Clocked at 1GHZ. Yes I crap on a little :P
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I have been playing around with the settings and using 640x480 gives correct aspect ratio.

The crosshair/scope should be round.

I also switched the R and L button configuration so the right shoulder is the trigger.

I found it difficult to aim with the left nub and press the left shoulder to shoot without moving the aim.

I am at the facility now.
The GOLDENEYE.eep master save file linked from http://www.goldeneye...lator.php#cheat works on the Pandora.

This opens up a 007 Passport with all the levels and built-in cheats. You will lose your current Passport/progress though.

I was only at the Surface Mission on Agent difficulty so I didn't lose a lot of progress.

Actually, that save file also has a 00 Agent Passport that is at Agent level on the Surface Mission so I could continue my Agent level progress from there.

The 00 Agent Passport has only the DK mode and Paintball mode cheats if you want to turn those on for younger kids to play.
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